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Pity the unhappy, said a devout, venerable, hoary-headed man, meekly holding up a box, begirt with iron, in his withered hands I beg for the unfortunate good my Lady, 'tis for a prison for an hospital 'tis for an old man a poor man undone by shipwreck, by suretyship, by fire I call God and all his angels to witness 'tis to clothe the naked to feed the hungry 'tis to comfort the sick and the broken-hearted.

Friendship, or rather the shadowy recovery of a past attachment that had been more than friendship, inclined her now and then to serve a master who failed distinctly to represent her interests; and when she met Carlo after the close of the war, she had really set to work in hearty kindliness to rescue him from what she termed "shipwreck with that disastrous Republican crew."

In the rear, Acteon, armed with the fourth Remington, and Hercules, with a hatchet in his belt, closed the march. Dingo went backwards and forwards, and, as Dick Sand remarked, always like an uneasy dog seeking a scent. The dog's ways had visibly changed since the "Pilgrim's" shipwreck had cast it on this sea-coast.

"Despite all my efforts here I am more anxious than ever about the future," he wrote to his publisher on the 27th of January, 1899; "two more of my books are about to disappear, a prelude to total shipwreck...I begin to despair."

The swellin's you see are life preservers." She said that she kep' one on their stomachs night and day. Well, I knew that they would be handy in a shipwreck, but it made 'em look queer, queer as a dog.

Despite a furious storm of hail which forced them to bend down their heads, the women had obstinately refused to go below again. No one, however hopeless, but wishes, if shipwreck be inevitable, to meet it in the open air. When so near death, a ceiling above one's head seems like the first outline of a coffin. They were now in a short and chopping sea. A turgid sea indicates its constraint.

It is truly deserving of communication, that the master of the Crown-Inn at Blandford, Dorsetshire, not only sent for all the distressed seamen to his house, where he liberally refreshed them, but presented each with half a crown on his departure. By this unfortunate shipwreck, all the passengers perished. The ladies were peculiarly endowed with beauty and accomplishments.

And who would think any one richer than the man who is in want of nothing which nature requires; or more powerful than he who has attained all that she has need of; or happier than he who is free from all mental perturbation; or more secure in future than he who carries all his property in himself, which is thus secured from shipwreck?

I asked Erling of his shipwreck, and if Thorleif had been lost, but he could not tell me. He had been washed off the fore deck as the ship met a great breaker, and with him had come an oar, which he clung to for long hours, making his way shoreward as best he might. The ship was in danger at the time, and he lost sight of her very soon.

"She's got to have help," said the wireless operator, and Russ and Rose realized that the Kammerboy was slowing down. "Are we going to stop?" asked Rose. "Will they take the men off that ship into our small boats? Oh, it's a regular shipwreck, Russ!" "Not much it isn't, little girl," said the operator. "And this steamer can't stop to do much in the way of rescue.