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'I told you that you were a fool, remarked Miss Spencer slowly, 'coming here like a sort of female Jack Sheppard, and trying to get the best of me. We are on equal terms now. You frightened me, but I knew I was a cleverer woman than you, and that in the end, if I kept on long enough, I should win. Now it will be my turn.

But if you wouldn't have me positively dislike Jack Sheppard, you'll never mention such a subject again. Besides," she added, blushing yet more deeply, "it isn't a proper one to talk upon." "Well then, to change it," replied Thames, gravely, "suppose I should be obliged to leave you." Winifred looked as if she could not indulge such a supposition for a single moment.

Alike in winter fog and summer haze, I grew to know and love it, and those that may be called its dramatis personae, especially its tatterdemalions, the long procession led by Jack Sheppard, Dick Turpin and Jonathan Wild the Great. Inevitably I sought their haunts and they were not all gone in those days; the Bull-and-Gate in Holborn, whither Mr.

"Such are my two bordermen, Miss Sheppard. The fort there, and all these cabins, would be only black ashes, save for them, and as for us, our wives and children God only knows." "Haven't they wives and children, too?" asked Helen. "No," answered Colonel Zane, with his genial smile. "Such joys are not for bordermen." "Why not? Fine men like them deserve happiness," declared Helen.

Sheppard," said Wood, glancing round the chamber, as he expanded his palms before the scanty flame. "It's wretched enough, indeed, Sir," rejoined the widow; "but, poor as it is, it's better than the cold stones and open streets." "Of course of course," returned Wood, hastily; "anything's better than that.

At this moment thy life, for thou veert a Great Man to thine order, and they have added thy biography to that of Abershaw and Sheppard, thy life is before us. What a homily in its events! Gayly didst thou laugh into thy youth, and run through the courses of thy manhood. Wit sat at thy table, and Genius was thy comrade.

"That's not likely to be the case, if you go on in this way," replied Thames, sharply. "Why, what the devil would you have had me do! make myself scarce, eh? You should have tipped me the wink." "No more of this," rejoined Thames, "or we shall quarrel." "Who cares if we do?" retorted Sheppard, with a look of defiance.

The cook, coming down from her room, called him a coward not to go with his mistress, but Sheppard did not move. Miss Coode found all safe below, and returned upstairs, and the dog went with her to the top floor, where the ceiling of a small room had fallen in. He then retired to his mat, having done his duty.

"Who's a drunken ruffian?" yelled Case, more angry than ever. "I'm not drunk; but I'm going to be, and cut some of you white-livered border mates. Here, you old masthead, drink this to my health, damn you!" The ruffian had seized a tumbler of liquor from the table, and held it toward Sheppard while he brandished his long knife.

"I saw him about an hour ago. He was on an errand for his mother -said he was going to Perry's store." "Then we can look in Perry's. If he isn't there I'll run over to his house for him. It's a grand day for a row." "Yes, we must get him if we can," went on Sheppard Reed thoughtfully. "I've got something to tell the crowd." "To tell the crowd?" repeated Frank Dawson curiously. "What?"