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We never meant to vex you by coming. But we were so poor and mother is ill. Yes, she is ill! she is it's no shamming. Won't you forgive us? won't you give mother a little more money? and won't you" she clasped her hands entreatingly "won't you give me a dot? I may want to be married and you are so rich? And I wouldn't ever trouble you again I "

You can't see a man from a woman when it's shining full in your face, though they may see you clear enough, and believe you're shamming. Or perhaps the dust was blowing. I've been blind meself with dust before now, and come into the house looking as though I'd been crying for weeks. Why should she pretend not to know a friend least of all when she'd been cockling?

Stolidly regardless of the criticism, Olive returned to her former theme. She did this of a distinct purpose, too. It seemed to her to be quite incredible that the woman before her could be blind to her husband's haggard face. None the less, watching Kathryn, she could not in sincerity accuse her of any shamming. "It really has worried us, my father and me, that Mr.

There would have been nothing for it but to have told the truth; that having accidentally found the brother dead, I was anxious to turn the discovery to account by proposing to the sister. I daresay I would be believed; improbable that I had murdered him. How still he does lie! Suppose he were only shamming. Oh, he is dead enough. I wish I were out of this room. Everything seems quiet now.

Bonner, his own leg wobbling and covered with blood, tried to quiet her, but without success. He saw that she was utterly helpless, her leg twisted under her heavy body. Her screams of pain as he turned her over proved conclusively that she was not shamming. Her hip was dislocated.

I thought that it was quartz." "It was quartz afterwards, but nuggets and dust first." Then, remembering himself, he asked suspiciously, "But what d'you know about it?" "I ought to know something," Granger replied, speaking thickly and shamming intoxication; "I ought to know something; I was one of the first men in on the Klondike gold-rush." "Damn it! So you were one of the Klondike men?

I can easily understand the propriety of shamming a little before the world." "Debriseau, had any other man said half as much, I would have started my grog in his face. It's no humbug on my part.

I would have dined here, but I have a man to meet me at the Club. Of what mortal service is it shamming the insensible? You've produced the required effect, I am as uncomfortable as I need be. Absolutely! "Well," seeing that words were of no avail, he summed up expostulation and reproach in this sigh of resigned philosophy: "I am going. Let me see I have my Temple keys? yes!

"I'm not trying to please Tithers. I'm acting in the interests of public morality." "Still," I said, "there's no harm in pleasing Tithers incidentally." "I have a big meeting on to-night. Hilda takes the chair, and I'll rub it in about Vittie shamming sick. I never heard anything more disgraceful. Can Tithers be playing the same game, do you think?" "I don't know," I said.

His lips trembled, and he was ready to flare up in anger while Mignon, shamming good nature, was clapping him on the shoulder with such affectionate violence as nearly to pulverize him. "I value your health, I do!" he kept repeating. "Egad! I should be in a pretty pickle if anything serious happened to you!" But just then a whisper ran through their midst: "The prince! The prince!"