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A big dark rug, woven of strong cord in green and brown, came out and went down on the rough floor, leather runners were flung on the two tables, a student lamp of nickel, a pair of old candlesticks in hammered brass, added their touch of gleam and shine to table and shelf-above-the-hearth, college pennants, in all the colours of the rainbow, were hung about the walls between four fine prints in sepia, gay cushions, much the worse for wear, landed in the handsome chairs, and lastly, but far from being least, three long shelves beneath the northern windows were filled to the last inch with books.

Lydie, who had been taught music by Schmucke, was herself a musician capable of composing; she could wash in a sepia drawing, and paint in gouache and water-color. Every Sunday Peyrade dined at home with her. On that day this worthy was wholly paternal. Lydie, religious but not a bigot, took the Sacrament at Easter, and confessed every month.

They were generally printed in light-brown ink, like a sepia drawing, which, I think, was adopted with a view to their being colored a condition in which we find the greater part of them. When these prints were colored they presented very much the appearance of the Low Country stained-glass windows.

The sky all round and overhead was palest green and strangely luminous, the sea before us stretched to the far horizon in tones of gentlest mauve and violet, beneath our feet was the firm brown sand for miles and miles unrolled like a glossy, sepia carpet.

Sepia turned from the mirror, looked at her, and burst into a laugh at least, the sound she made had all the elements of a laugh except the merriment. "Now really, Hesper, you ought to be ashamed of yourself," she cried. "You to put on the pelican and the sparrow, with all the world before you, and all the men in it at your feet!"

"But what renders this collection particularly valuable, is its large number of original drawings by eminent masters which accompany the written and engraved works. Amongst these are two large sepia drawings, by Amici, of the Pantheon and St Peter's at Rome. These drawings were engraved and published with several others by Ackermann.

"I am aware Mr. Helmer was a frequent visitor," said Mary, trying to keep cool for what was to come. This that Sepia told her was true enough, though she was not accurate as to the time of its occurrence. I will relate briefly how it came about.

A missal in a library of modern books! On deck a fine rain was blowing through a gap in our burlap shroud, a phosphorescent fringe of foam hissed along the sides of the ship, giving the illusory appearance of our deadlights open and ablaze, exaggerating the sinister blackness of the night. We were, apparently, a beacon in that sepia waste where modern undersea monsters were lurking.

When the Redmains went to Cornwall, Sepia was left at Durnmelling, in the expectation of joining them in London within a fortnight at latest. The illness of Mr. Redmain, however, caused her stay to be prolonged, and she was worn out with ennui.

Well! let us hope that, like the beast in the fairy-tale, he will turn out a man after all." "My heart will break," cried Hesper, throwing herself into a chair. "Pity me, Sepia; you love me a little." A slight shadow darkened yet more Sepia's shadowy brow. "Hesper," she said, gravely, "you never told me there was anything of that sort! Who is it?" "Mr. Redmain, of course!