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She was too prudent, however, to bring to bear upon any man all at once the full play of her mesmeric battery; and things had got no further when she went to London a week or two before the return of the Redmains, ostensibly to get things in some special readiness for Hesper; but that this may have been a pretense appears possible from the fact that Mary came from Cornwall on the same mission a few days later.

The Redmains were again at Durnmelling had been for some weeks; and Sepia had taken care that she and Godfrey should meet on the footpath to Testbridge, in the field accessible by the breach in the ha-ha here and there and anywhere suitable for a little detention and talk that should seem accidental, and be out of sight.

Upon a certain evening, a few days before Mary's return from Cornwall, Tom would have gone to see Miss Yolland had he not known that she meant to go to the play with a Mr. Emmet, a cousin of the Redmains. Before the hour arrived, however, Count Galofta called, and Sepia went out with him, telling the man who opened the door to ask Mr. Emmet to wait.

In justice to her, it must be remembered, however, that she did not and could not know of him what her father knew. In the autumn the Redmains went to Durnmelling: why they did so, I should find it hard to say.

When the Redmains went to Cornwall, Sepia was left at Durnmelling, in the expectation of joining them in London within a fortnight at latest. The illness of Mr. Redmain, however, caused her stay to be prolonged, and she was worn out with ennui.

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