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The fountain was in a grotto-like nook, where benches of cement decked with scallop shells were set round a basin with the figures of two small boys in it bestriding that of a lamb, all employed in letting the water dribble from their mouths.

Put a large cupful of water in a saucepan; add 2 ounces of butter, 1/4 teaspoonful of salt, 1 tablespoonful of pulverized sugar. While boiling, stir in sifted flour until stiff and smooth. Remove from the stove and stir in the yolks of 4 eggs, one at a time, and the beaten whites; then fry by the teaspoonful in boiling lard until browned. Serve with a caramel sauce. Belgian Veal Scallop.

And there was sally-lunn and Maryland biscuit; here, at last, Aunt Hannah was supreme her elbows told the story. And last of all there was a great dish of escalloped oysters cooked in fossil scallop shells thousands of years old, that Malachi had himself dug out of the marl-banks at Yorktown when he was a boy, and which had been used in the Horn family almost as many times as they were years old.

But I do pray God keep us in peace; for this, with other things, do give great discontent to all people. Put on my new Scallop, which is very fine. To church, and there saw the first time Mr. Mills in a surplice; but it seemed absurd for him to pull it over his eares in the reading-pew, after he had done, before all the church, to go up to the pulpitt, to preach without it.

He wrote the immortal ballad of the scallop industry, which begins: "On a fine morning at break of day, When the ice has all gone out of the bay, And the sun is shining nice and it is like spring, Then all hands start to go scallop-ING." In order to get the fullest measure of music from this lyric gem you should put a strong emphasis on the final "ing."

The house and all that concerned it became his hobby. It was to him what the Mollie D. had been, the primary interest of his life. He knew every inch of plumbing; where every shut-off, valve, ventilator, and stopcock was located. Moreover, he could have told, had not his jaws been clamped together tightly as a scallop shell, exactly how much every article in the mansion cost.

Mary's got an awful lot o' fun in her, an' if she ain't laughin' over that, I'm beat. Now, Jonas, you do it! Do you s'pose she wants them nice blue pieces out there through wind an' weather? She'd ruther by half see 'em on the parlor cluzzet shelves; an' if you'll fetch 'em home, I'll scallop some white paper, jest as she liked, an' we'll set 'em up there."

Once, on the coast, I saw a shelldrake tying in vain to fly against the wind, which flung rudely among some tall reeds near me. The next moment Don, my old dog, had him. In a hungry moment he had driven his bill through both shells of a scallop, which slipped or worked its way up to his nostrils, muzzling the bird perfectly with a hard shell ring.

Wonderful to relate the words were no sooner spoken, than the Fairy struck her wand upon the floor three times, and lo! and behold! instantly there appeared though how it got there, I can't imagine a car made of four large scallop shells joined together, and lined with rich velvet; the wheels were studded with the whitest pearls, and it was drawn by eight silver pheasants.

Two little brass cannon thrust their muzzles over the parapet to seaward and the central space of grass about the flagpole was neatly surrounded with a decoration of scallop shells. "Could anybody but an old sailor have created this place?" asked Brendon. A middle-aged man with a telescope under his arm came along the terrace to greet them.