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As she moved away from him he stood still, red-eyed and trembling with rage. "An' what's more, you old scalawag," said the policeman, "I'm going to run you in. Maybe you never heard tell of perjury, but it's worse than pickin' pockets, let me tell you." His heavy hand dropped to Weeks' shoulder, but he was too slow.

Off with you, Benjy, and find out where she lives," he cried, and the obedient Benjy dropped the saddle-bags as though such commands were not uncommon. "Pick up those bags, Benjy," said I, laughing. Benjy glanced uncertainly at his master. "Do as I tell you, you black scalawag," said Nick, "or I'll tan you. What are you waiting for?" "Marse Dave " began Benjy, rolling his eyes in discomfiture.

The superior officer of this assistant commissioner, being a humane and kindly man, revoked the order. These were the days when the carpet-bagger and the scalawag flourished, the camp followers of the Northern army, who wanted money and office; and the native-born Southerner, who wanted office and money.

But suddenly mortal terror seized her: had not the constable, when he arrested William, also said something about "fires?" She had thought no more about it, but now it occurred to her "He has been setting fires, the scalawag" really, it was ridiculous! "Hahahahaha!" She laughed an insane laughter, while she leaned far out of the window and held her aching sides.

He moved at a leisurely pace down the street until he was opposite the cottonwoods. Here he diverged from the dusty road. "Hope the old scalawag wasn't lying about that cavallo waiting for Steve. I'm plumb scairt to death till I get out of this here wolf's den. Me, I'm too tender to monkey with any revolutions.

"Thank you, Mister Johnson, thank you," said Virginia, blushing. "How come she recommembered, Marse Comyn? Dat's de quality. Dat's why. Doan't you talk to Ned 'bout de quality, Marsa." "And when did I ever talk to you about the quality, you scalawag?" asks the Colonel, laughing.

Jenison once more impulsively offered to provide a refuge and employment for life on his plantation for the delectable scalawag, but Dick laughed at him in fine scorn. He departed a few minutes later, sauntering down the hall with a complacency that fairly scoffed at house detectives and their ilk.

The amazement on her comely face changed to sudden and indignant enlightenment. "The miserable scalawag!" she cried. The next instant, with one thrust of her hand, she had the damning evidence. There were two letters. "She ain't delivered the one to darlin' Cap'n Sproul this evenin'," Hiram remarked, persisting still in his satiric use of the feminine pronoun.

"And there's that good-for-nothing brother Ted he told you to keep your eye out for up here!" broke in Bluff. "Yes; how about that, Frank? Have you ever asked about him?" exclaimed Jerry. "No; but perhaps I'd better begin now. How about it, Reddy?" questioned Frank. "You needn't go any further, for I can tell you all about that scalawag. If you had asked Mr.

And the show was very poor; in fact, after seeing it I made up my mind I was off cabaret stuff for keeps." "You ancient scalawag! What were you doing in a place like that?" "Seeing life as it ought not to be, of course. Your boy Joey took me up there, by the way. In-fer-nal young scoundrel! He showed me the town and we had quite a time together." Joe Gurney's old eyes popped with amazement.