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Saint-Prosper, when called on, stated that the ground before the San Antonio gate was intersected by many irrigating ditches and that much of the approach was under water. "Then you would prefer storming a fortress to taking a ditch?" said one of the generals, satirically. "A series of ditches," replied the other. "Colonel Saint-Prosper is right," exclaimed the commanding general.

"You mean, in fact, that I for you make the personal application shall be better able henceforth to win men's love, because ah, surely, Dr. Marmion, you do not dignify this impulse, this foolishness of yours, by the name of love!" She smiled a little satirically at the fingers I had kissed. I was humiliated, and annoyed with her and with myself, though, down in my mind, I knew that she was right.

"Never," was the perplexed and troubled reply. The physician smiled a little satirically, and remarked, in a low aside, "I hope the drug has not affected the whole family. It's next to impossible to get at the truth in these cases." "Do you think he will die?" was her agonized query.

Otway has never married again!" And it always amused her to notice that it irritated Alick to hear her say this. It was the Scotch bit of him which made Alick at once so shy and so sentimental where women were concerned. Mrs. Guthrie had no idea how very often her son went to the Trellis House, but even had she known it she would only have smiled satirically.

The particulars of the contest even tradition has not preserved the sequel to the narrative only telling that half an hour later the first squatter, scratched and bloody, hobbled slowly up to the cabin, remarking satirically as he threw down the broken axe: "Thar, neighbour; I'm afraid I've spiled yer axe, but I'm sure I've spiled the bar.

'Only when he's shamming dead, said the young woman, looking at her young man with caressive tenderness of authority. 'Aw, there's a difference, he said satirically. 'What about the chair? said Birkin. 'Yes, all right, said the woman. They trailed off to the dealer, the handsome but abject young fellow hanging a little aside. 'That's it, said Birkin.

And moving in the rapid, stationary dance, he came a little nearer, and reached forward with an incredibly mocking, satiric gleam on his face, and would have kissed her again, had she not started back. 'No, don't! she cried, really afraid. 'Cordelia after all, he said satirically. She was stung, as if this were an insult. She knew he intended it as such, and it bewildered her.

And, after all," Denham went on, glancing round him satirically, as Katharine thought, "it's not your grandfather only. You're cut out all the way round. I suppose you come of one of the most distinguished families in England. There are the Warburtons and the Mannings and you're related to the Otways, aren't you? I read it all in some magazine," he added.

A bolt-hole has been discovered in the corner of the camp, and there's a road near; now put two and two together, and it isn't very difficult even a German can do that," he added satirically, contemptuously, if you like, for, as we have said before, the lusty Stuart had but the lowest opinion of most Teutons. "What follows?

As for his small income, and his still smaller domestic establishment, he looked at them both from the same satirically indifferent point of view. He called himself a pauper with a pedigree.