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The Frenchman raised his bushy red brows. "Ah, ah?" he commented. "May I inquire if you had any knowledge of this antipathy before she went away?" "I had," replied Sartorius heavily. "I mentioned the fact to Lady Clifford. I had begun to suspect at the last that she might be suffering from some rather obscure mental derangement." "I see, I see!

She heard Aline scream this morning; it woke her up, and ever since then she has known something happened. She is terribly nervous, jumps at the slightest noise, and no matter what I say she is afraid you are running into some sort of danger." "Is she?" His eyes brightened for a moment. "Yes. Do you know, she is really in mortal terror of Dr. Sartorius. I don't understand exactly why.

After the funeral she left the house, then this evening she returned suddenly in a very strange and excited state. A few minutes after she entered the room here she became unconscious. The reason Dr. Sartorius does not attempt to do anything for her is that when he did try she became much worse. It seems that she has taken a marked antipathy to him, we don't know why."

"What did Sartorius say when you talked to him yesterday?" "Oh, nothing whatever. He won't express an opinion beyond the fact that the old boy's age and general condition are against him. There's not much in that. I wouldn't mind betting even money that he'll pull through this and go on for another ten or fifteen years." She shook her head slowly, looking away from him.

She leaned out of the car and shook his hand warmly, an attention which delighted Jacques's soul beyond measure. "Au revoir, mademoiselle! Au revoir, monsieur! Bonne santé!" When they had gone on again Roger remarked: "Your Sartorius is a queer card. No one, to look at him, would think he could be so temperamental." "Yet he's first and foremost a scientist.

It occurred to me I might as well glance through the will I drew up two years ago. I made a slight alteration in it this winter, which I want to speak to you about, but I'll look through it first. Something Sartorius said reminded me of it." Roger felt relieved. There was no evidence of his father's expecting an immediate decease; he seemed calm and fairly cheerful. "Right you are.

Captain Glover of the royal navy was in command, with Mr. Goldsworthy and Captain Sartorius as his assistants. There were four other officers, two doctors, and an officer of commissariat. This little body had the whole work of drilling and keeping in order some eight or ten thousand men.

He could not tell whether Sartorius had administered a piqûre of some kind to her or not, and the uncertainty filled him with apprehension. He could not rid his mind of Esther's stricken cry, "If he does that again I'm finished!" What was it she meant? Was it possible that those red dots on her arm furnished the answer? She might have been out of her senses when she said that, of course.

About four P.M. Las Cases and Savory returned to the 'Bellerophon', where they had a long conversation with Captain Maitland, in the presence of Captains Sartorius and Gambler, who both declare that Maitland repeatedly warned Napoleon's adherents not to entertain the remotest idea that he was enabled to offer any pledge whatever to their Master beyond the simple assurance that he would convey him in safety to the English coast, there to await the determination of the British Government.

The forest zone is remarkable for the great number of minor craters which rise up from the midst of the foliage, and are themselves clothed with trees. Sartorius von Waltershausen has laid down on his map of Etna about 200 of these cones and craters, some of which, like those of Auvergne, have been broken down on one side.