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The ruse worked, and a smile forced its way through Grace's discontent. Then a sudden thought struck her and the smile flickered and went out altogether. "It was Roy's parting gift," she said, striving to speak lightly, though her voice trembled ever so little.

We do what we like, we go where we like, and they welcome us. It is true, since the war broke out, they have taken all sorts of precautions against what they call German spies. But, bah! they are as easy to deceive as children. Why, only a week or two ago, by the simplest ruse imaginable, I obtained some valuable information down in Cornwall." Again Bob looked at the face, and wondered.

To save the reputation of the robber at any cost on the spur of the moment the ruse of placing the sequin in the closet occurred." Madeline Hargrave turned to Mina, while I recalled Lewis's remark about Mina's stepping on the train and tearing it. The defiance in her black eyes flashed from Madeline to Kennedy. "Yes," she cried; "I did it! As quickly the defiance had faded.

Bozzle was ultimately inclined to think that the Colonel had really spent his day in going to Cockchaffington. Mr. Bozzle himself, knowing the wiles of such men as Colonel Osborne, and thinking at first that that journey to Cockchaffington might only be a deep ruse, had walked over to Nuncombe Putney. There he had had a pint of beer and some bread and cheese at Mrs.

In attempting to regain his balance he reeled backward. The woman by this time was right upon him. Unable to tell whether he had really tripped or whether it was a ruse, she stood undecided a moment. That moment proved her undoing. For Hal, spinning on his heel, swept the revolver from her outstretched hand, and with a quick leap seized it himself. "Now, madam," he said calmly.

On the mantelshelf was a twelve-inch flat boxwood rule, such as engineers use, a piece of soft, red rubber, and a stone bottle of Draper's dichroic ink. I obtained, by a simple ruse, a specimen of the office notepaper and the ink. We will examine it presently. I found that Mr. Barlow is a new tenant, that he is rather short, wears a wig and spectacles, and always wears a glove on his left hand.

One person had seen it. This little ruse of the queen had not escaped John Heywood, who had immediately, by some cutting witticism, set the king to laughing, and tried to draw the attention of the courtiers from the queen and her lover.

"It's a long walk," protested Stuart. "Twenty miles or more." "We not walk, No! Get mules near. Now, we start." The boy had hoped, in some way, to get the negro out of the hut and to make a bolt for the woods where he might lie hidden, but this sudden action prevented any such ruse. He turned to the table to put into his knapsack the couple of changes of clothing he had brought.

There we inquired in the neighborhood of the market, and found where you had put up. Then, at the 'Farmers' Hotel, we were told, you had left for home that afternoon. Of course we knew that was a ruse. We knew that if you had left, it was for the deck of some outward bound ship. So we inquired, and found out that the Enterprise was to sail in the morning.

No matter how dislocated are the infantry ridden at so long as they are not quite demoralised, however ruse the cavalry leader however favourable to sudden unexpected onslaught is the ground, the quick-firing arms of the future must apparently stall off the most enterprising horsemen.