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My ruse passed for the moment, but was exposed by a flock or swarm of cockroaches, which, scenting a favorite food, suddenly sprang upon the table and upon us, leaping and flying into the plates and drawing Corsican curses from Capriata and Norwegian maledictions from Lee.

Luckily the grass near the trail was short, and though the heat was intense and the smoke stifling, the barricade held off the flame. Simpson had kept a close watch, and presently gave the order to fire. A volley went through the smoke and blaze, and the yell that followed proved that it was not wasted. This last ruse failing, the Indians settled down to their favorite game waiting.

"Yes, to the ruins!" shouted the throng of persons, who up to this time had preserved so cautious a silence, and, in a few moments more, Henry Bannerworth had the satisfaction of finding that his ruse had been perfectly successful, for Bannerworth Hall and its vicinity were completely deserted, and the mob, in a straggling mass, went over hedge and ditch towards those ruins in which there was nothing to reward the exertions they might choose to make in the way of an exploration of them, but the dead body of the villain Marchdale, who had come there to so dreadful, but so deserved a death.

At Ingogo the Boers raised the white flag, and when in response to this General Colley ordered the hoisting of a similar flag to indicate that it was seen, a perfect hail of lead was poured on the position where the General stood; and it was obvious that the hoisting of the flag was merely a ruse to ascertain where the General and his staff were.

A wit once defined a turret as a bundle of tricks done up in armour." "Is it thick armour?" asked Betty. "They tell me it is fellows on board who pretend to know everything. But I suspect that to be a mere ruse to get me to stay inside it." Joe sighed. "I do envy you," he said. "Everyone seems to have something to do, 'cept me. Even Betty here " The Indiarubber Man turned his head sharply.

Therefore I chartered yours; and you came with it. As for Miss Ruse in spite of every precaution, my activities may have aroused suspicion and curiosity among your people. When I disappeared, Miss Ruse might have been questioned. I couldn't risk being followed to the wreck of the sailer, so I took her with me. And what does that mean against what I have offered you?

Lord Robert Cecil, an official spokesman, saw a ruse in the submarine's visit: "German public opinion appears to be obsessed with the idea that the way to deal with the Allied blockade is to have a succession of sudden crises with neutrals, which may be used for striking diplomatic bargains.

Aunt M'riar was so taken by surprise at this that she had said "Yes Ancester Towers" before she knew it. She was not a person to entrust secrets to. "Right you are, mistress! Ancester Towers it is." He was making a pretence, entirely for his own satisfaction, of confirming this from a memorandum. Mr. Wix had got what he wanted, but he enjoyed the success of his ruse.

The Highlander, after giving them a full view of his person, dived among the thickets, for his ruse de guerre had now perfectly succeeded. When they had run about a quarter of a mile, the brow of a rising ground which they had surmounted concealed them from further risk of observation.

I thought I killed him." "Ah, now, did you so?" Again the Leader smiled, but this time grimly. "Now we come to the meat of the matter. You say you thought you killed him, but you know you didn't. Your pretended assassination in such a clever manner was all a ruse you didn't poison him at all. You merely pretended to put something in his cup." "That's a lie.