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Well, I went smashing down to the woods, making such a rumpus that if those officers had been half awake they'd have been after me twice over. I was so maddened at the sight of that kiss that I didn't realize what I was doing or that I was endangering the lives of my men.

I'll let you take care of the horses again, if you care to. But Marcsa is to be let alone. I won't have any rumpus. If she still wants to marry you, all well and good. But if she doesn't, she's to be let alone. If I hear once again that you have annoyed her, I'll chase you to the devil. Do you understand?" Foaming with rage, Bogdan let out the stream of his wrath. "To the devil?" he shouted.

One of the younger men murmured in an undertone: "Young-looking chap to have kicked up such a rumpus, isn't he? He has deuced good manners for an American." Meanwhile Lord Rockstone, bowing to the King and then to the rest of the company, was proceeding with the introduction, briefly explaining that Mr.

I fired a shot, wild, and shouted, but before I could get down here the intruder had fled through a window, and half rolling down the terraces. Mrs. Verplanck was awakened by the rumpus and both of us heard a peculiar whirring noise." "Like an automobile muffled down," she put in. "No," he asserted vigorously, "more like a powerful motor boat, one with the exhaust under water."

One finger after another he screwed up, and then went over them again to make certain they were secure. "I knowed he'd come," Mattie said, happily. "Um!... This here's kind of untoward. You keep your mouth shet, Mattie Strong. Don't you go near that feller till I tell you. We don't want a rumpus to spoil this here week." "But he's here.... He's here." "So's trouble," said Scattergood, succinctly.

For one thing you bet it isn' the Commissioners' business." "It ought to be somebody's business to stop what's goin' on. Say 'tis mine, if you like." "Look 'ee here, Cap'n Hunken," said Mr Rogers, showing his teeth. "If that's your game, better fit you was kickin' up a rumpus on the Parish Council than puttin' a spoke into honest trade.

"I had a second fight there, for after the fellows heard the Student Council was raising a rumpus, they said they would get off my team and let others take their places. Norman said he guessed they could get independent jobs shoveling snow after school hours." "Could they?" asked Rosemary.

None of them dissipated noblemen round the Mansion garage would look at a common tractor. You'll start on them. You're fixed don't tell me no!" "Yes, sir," said Wilbur. "You done your bit in a fighting war; now you'll serve in a peaceful one. I don't know what the good Lord intends to come out of all this rumpus, but I do know the world's going to need food. We'll raise it." "Yes, sir."

Then we got to lookin' up and down, and we didn't have no more 'casion to use money M'riar was so busy seein' the folks and their clo's till we got hungry, and then come the rumpus. When I come to pay the bill, they was a reg'lar howl, an' we come mighty near bein' marched off to the calaboose, same's you was. They said the bill I offered 'em first off, an' all the rest, was counterfeit.

"It annoys me exceedingly," she went on finally, finding his laughing glance much too bland and friendly to harbor guile, "to have you trailing after me in a hay-wagon." "I'll buy me a rumpus machine," said Philip. "It would bother me to have you trailing after me so persistently in any guise!" flashed the girl indignantly. "It must perforce continue to bother you!" regretted Philip.