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Next she dealt with Sancho, whom Pascherette had lured back to the woman's mercy; and Sancho emerged from Dolores's presence a driveling imbecile. When Milo beheld at this moment the fleeing form of Yellow Rufe, made distinguishable by vivid lightning, Dolores determined to complete her punishments. The Spaniard was making good his escape when Milo took up the pursuit in the little sailboat.

"'Jeff, says this pork esthete, 'it ain't money; it's sentiment with me. "'Seven hundred, says I. "'Make it eight hundred, says Rufe, 'and I'll crush the sentiment out of my heart. "I went under my clothes for my money-belt, and counted him out forty twenty-dollar gold certificates. "'I'll just take him into my own room, says I, 'and lock him up till after breakfast.

It was now a sylvan solitude, and the silence was unbroken but by the great, vague voice of the wind. Some days before our visit, a grizzly bear had been sporting round the Hansons' chicken-house. Mrs. Hanson was at home, alone, we found. Rufe had been out after a "bar," had risen late, and was now gone, it did not clearly appear whither.

"I took the pig by the hind leg. He turned on a squeal like the steam calliope at the circus. "'Let me tote him in for you, says Rufe; and he picks up the beast under one arm, holding his snout with the other hand, and packs him into my room like a sleeping baby.

Why not peace, if Rufe should not come back? He would be the leader then, and without him there could be no war. Old Jasper had killed his father. He was too young at the time to feel poignant sorrow now, and somehow he could look even at that death in a fairer way. His father had killed old Jasper's brother.

Dolores was astonished at seeing no sign of Rufe, but outwardly she showed none of her astonishment. A more vital consideration was present in the disobedience of the motley crew who as yet made no effort to come to her call. Drawing herself fully erect when the old woman departed, she again stretched out her hand and cried: "Dogs of Satan! I await your homage.

"I'll fight you," he said, raising his hand in challenge, but Swope's answer was drowned in a wild yell from Creede. "Come back here, Rufe, you durn' fool!" he called. "Come back, I tell ye! Don't you know better than to trust a sheepman?" "Never mind, now," answered Hardy, turning austerely to the bluff. "I guess I can take care of myself."

"Hanglip, to the wheel here!" Dolores commanded. "Six of you bring back the sloop. The rest attend me! Bring the schooner to her course, northwest, Hanglip; and, Spotted Dog, rig me a whip at the foregaff-end. Yellow Rufe, pray or curse while ye may. Thy course is run. There is nothing left to say. Ten minutes remain to thee."

He climbed to the lower branches easily enough, but he caused much commotion and swaying among them as he struggled through the foliage. An owl, with great remonstrant eyes, suddenly looked out of a hollow, higher still, with an inarticulate mutter of mingled reproach, and warning, and anxiety. Rufe settled himself on the platform, his bare feet dangling about jocosely.

He needed to say no more. "Lead me to my father, then," replied the girl, and stepped after the giant with sure step and resolute face, giving no heed to the renewed shuffling and congregating of her people, nor to Rufe, who again stood out before the rest and addressed them in fierce tones.