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Mary Jane, you selfish thing, you've never asked about my banns, no more'n the rest; an' after that cast-off frock, too, that I gave you last week so good as new!" "Was it very grand, Miss Ruby? Was it shuddery an' yet joyful lily-white an' yet rosy-red hot an' yet cold 'don't lift me so high, an' yet 'praise God, I'm exalted above women'?" "'Twas all and yet none.

The varieties differ in having colours which vary from almost pure white, with purplish tips, to a uniform rich purple, whilst such colours as salmon, rose, orange, and scarlet, are conspicuous among them. The flowers are a little larger than in the older kind, and are not curved, whilst the petals are narrower; their colour is bright rosy-red.

He spoke kindly, telling her he had married again, because he was lonely and that her step-mother and step-sisters would be good to her. But Rosy-red knew different. She hastened away to her own little room and hid her slippers of which she was very proud. "They have turned my dear granny out of doors; they will take from me my beautiful slippers," she sobbed. After that, Rosy-red sang no more.

"On the marshy ground thrive the Iris versicolor, Asclepias incarnata, the Primrose-tree, Liver-wort, the tall Physostegia Virginiana, with rosy-red blossoms, and the Helenium autumnale, in which the yellow color predominates. In spring, the dark violet blossom of the Amorpha fruticosa diffuses its fragrance."

For the cultivation of this little group, the instructions given for the climbing and other kinds may be followed. Stems prostrate, or, when grafted on a tall stem, pendent, ½ in. in diameter, round, with numerous ridges almost hidden by the many clusters of fine bristle-like hairs. Flowers 2 in. long and 1 in. wide; colour bright rosy-red.

The black-headed grosbeak, too, is here, with the Bullock oriole, and western tanager, brown song-sparrow, hermit thrush, the purple finch, a fine singer, with head and throat of a rosy-red hue, several species of warblers and vireos, kinglets, flycatchers, etc.

"And is that exceedingly commonplace incident any reason why he should send us longstemmed roses by the dozen, with a very sentimental rhyme? Or why we should blush divinest rosy-red when we look at his card? Anne, thy face betrayeth thee." "Don't talk nonsense, Phil. Do you know Mr. Gardner?" "I've met his two sisters, and I know of him. So does everybody worthwhile in Kingsport.

Happen it's all true, and Ellen's an honest woman, after all. And he lifted his head and looked at me, and at that moment there come a soft little knock at the door. I knew who it was afore I had time to stir a foot to go across the kitchen and open the door to her. She blinked her eyes at the light as I opened the door to her. Oh, pale and thin her face was that used to be so rosy-red, and

In her halting French Mrs. Dampier explained that she would like coffee and rolls, and then some hot water. "C'est bien, mademoiselle!" And Nancy blushed rosy-red. "Mademoiselle?" How odd to hear herself so addressed! But Madame Poulain did not give her time to say anything, even if she had wished to do so, for, before Mrs.

The stranger, bowing low before her, held out the other, and Rosy-red took it and put it on. It fitted perfectly. "Many girls have tried to put on that shoe," said the young man, "but all have failed. And I have sworn to make the wearer my bride. I am a chieftain's son, and thou shalt be a princess."