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I do not know how I got through that evening. I was disinclined for dinner, so I had a cutlet in the library and sat smoking till my tongue ached. But as the hours passed a more manly resolution grew up in my mind. I owed it to old friendship to stand by Lawson in this extremity. I could not interfere God knows, his reason seemed already rocking, but I could be at hand in case my chance came.

When her eyes opened again they were in close juxtaposition to a rough tan-colored shirt whose coarse fiber rasped her cheek; the whole universe seemed rocking with a gentle up and down motion as soothing as the swing of her beloved hammock, but there was a curious numbness across her chest and lower limbs like that induced by the pressure of closely-encircling iron bands.

"If I knew what to do!" he said to himself, rocking backwards and forwards, with his hands clasped over his knees, "if I knew what to do!" The spiritual tension of the evening reached its climax: he could bear no more. With a strong bodily shudder his tears burst forth, and the passion of his weeping filled him from head to foot.

The message was from Bucky, then on the train on his way home. "The best of news. Reach the Rocking Chair tonight." That was the message which had disturbed the serenity of big Webb Mackenzie and had given to the motherly heart of his wife an unusual flutter.

"Not much fun on the prairie. Get lost. Freeze to death. Take no chances." He chirruped at the horses. They were flying now, the carriage rocking on the hard ruts. The whole air suddenly crystallized into large damp flakes. The horses and the buffalo robe were covered with snow; her face was wet; the thin butt of the whip held a white ridge. The air became colder.

Only then " and he looked over her head to where the nurse stood rocking the sleeping child. "Then what, Magician?" Giving no answer, he turned to me. "Learned Ana, to you remember meeting me at Tanis one night?" I shook my head, though I guessed well enough what night he meant. "Your memory weakens, learned Ana, or rather is confused, for we met often, did we not?"

We have been wet with the showers of the mountain, like Job, and embracing the rock for want of a shelter. We are lone-haunted men in a wild land encompassed by enemies; let us thank God for our safety thus far, and ask. His continued shield upon our flight." And in the silence of that great house, dripping and rocking in the tempest of the night, the minister poured out his heart in prayer.

The rocking of the vessel, too, occasionally caused the boxes and barrels to move a little; and this had the effect of loosening the cloth caulking, and causing it to drop out. Still apprehensive of an inroad from the rats, I was kept busy, all the time the gale lasted, in plugging the crevices afresh. Upon the whole, I think that this employment was pleasanter than doing nothing.

"Oh, I haven't the faith, Tess!" moaned Teola, rocking to and fro in her keen agony of soul. "Long ago I stopped believing the way I did when I was a child. I prayed that night when Dan was killed, until my head ached and pounded for days.

She loved the life, she also loves it now, she is resigned to it entirely; not through resignation but because she acknowledges it and the more she thinks of it, rocking in her lap the child without a name, she acknowledges more. Such is the end of Rougon-Macquarts.