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The attitude of the first section of thinkers, those who see a way out of war in international diplomatic measures, is well expressed in the report of the last Peace Congress in London, and the articles and letters upon war that appeared in No. 8 of the REVUE DES REVUES, 1891.

People do not Try to Remove the Contradiction between Life and Conscience by a Change of Life, but their Cultivated Leaders Exert Every Effort to Obscure the Demands of Conscience, and justify their Life; in this Way they Degrade Society below Paganism to a State of Primeval Barbarism Undefined Attitude of Modern Leaders of Thought to War, to Universal Militarism, and to Compulsory Service in Army One Section Regards War as an Accidental Political Phenomenon, to be Avoided by External Measures only Peace Congress The Article in the REVUE DES REVUES Proposition of Maxime du Camp Value of Boards of Arbitration and Suppression of Armies Attitude of Governments to Men of this Opinion and What they Do Another Section Regards War as Cruel, but Inevitable Maupassant Rod A Third Section Regard War as Necessary, and not without its Advantages Doucet-Claretie-Zola-Vogue.

Of the smaller shops those that remain open are chiefly bakeshops and chemists, but no man need go naked or hungry; in every block he will find at least one place where he can be clothed and fed. But the theatres are all closed. No one is in a mood to laugh, and certainly no one wishes to consider anything more serious than the present crisis. So there are no revues, operas, or comedies.

Such a permanent record would be of great value to the military historian; and on a rainy afternoon, when the more vapid of the revues were not offering matinées, they might even be of interest to the average Londoner.

If the revue was a success, she would marry him and revues, he knew, were always successes. At that very moment there were six "best revues in London," running at various theaters. He shuddered at the thought that in a few weeks there would be seven. He felt a longing for rural solitude.

Carita Belleville, the dancer, you know?" Kennedy glanced at me and I nodded that I had heard of her. It was only a few nights before that I had seen Carita at one of the midnight revues, doing a dance which was described as the "hypnotic whirl," a wild abandon of grace and motion.

"Does nothing else ever happen on these stages?" "Nothing. Stay! Revues happen!" "What are revues?" asked the Angel. "Criticisms of life, sir, as it would be seen by persons inebriated on various intoxicants." "They should be joyous." "They are accounted so," his dragoman replied; "but for my part, I prefer to criticise life for myself, especially when I am drunk."

It's my way, after a', and it's been a gude way for me. No, I'm no sorry I'm just a music hall singer. I've done a bit o' acting. My friend Graham Moffatt wrote a play I was in, once, that was no sicca poor success "A Scrape o' the Pen" it was called. I won't count the revues I've been in; they're more like a variety show than a regular theatrical performance, any nicht in the week.

'Well, how should you at the Foreign Office, or the golf-links, or the club? asked Edith. Bruce ignored Edith, and went on: 'Perhaps he'll turn out to be a Lionel Monckton or a Paul Rubens. Perhaps he'll write comic opera revues or musical comedies. 'Oh dear, no, said their guest, shaking her head decidedly. 'It will be the very highest class, the top of the tree! The real thing!

She was not then box-opener of the National Academy of Music; she had in those times as office and it was not a sinecure the position of aunt to a nice young person who showed a very pretty face and a very pretty pair of legs in the chorus of the revues of the Variétée.