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She will write to you as soon as she has had an answer with regard to it. God be with you! FRIDAY, January 15th, 1858. Your telegram, arrived a day before your letter which I received last night. Let me have your address; poste restante is not safe. In a modest room on the third floor, overlooking the inner courts, I found at last the quiet position which is necessary to me.

Remember this: when a person is choosing initials for his address at a poste restante he doesn't pick them at random, but always in such a way that the letters convey a meaning to the person corresponding with him, a meaning which will enable that other person easily to remember the address." "And in this case?"

And when the patriotic Tommy hesitated for an answer, the preceptor exclaimed with ineffable contempt, 'Race de fous'! It is no wonder, then, that this foe of his fatherland feared to receive a letter openly addressed; rather he would slink out under cover of night and seek his correspondence at the poste restante, like a guilty lover or a British tourist.

During her residences in England few days passed in which he did not present himself at her drawing-room in Claridge's Hotel: when absent in Russia or on the Continent, she received from him weekly letters, though he used to complain that writing to a lady through the poste restante was like trying to kiss a nun through a double grating.

I need not tell you how vexatious it will be to find myself nursing him in Homburg out of the season even instead of the prospect to which I had looked forward with my whole heart and soul. But what can one do? How true is the French proverb, 'Nothing happens but the unexpected'! Write to me immediately Poste Restante, that I may at least console myself with your dear words."

"Et la pauvre ame!" cried the Frenchwoman at last, not caring what she said to this amazing daughter-in-law, "elle est la toujours, quand les douleurs s'apaisent un peu, ecoutant, esperant et personne ne vient personne! Voulez-vous bien, madame, me dire ou on peut trouver Sir George?" "Poste Restante, Trouville," said Letty, sullenly. "It is the only address that I know of."

I wonder if they are talking about each other, to each other, or about Dick and me? I feel as if I should have to scream "Sir Lionel, don't believe it. It isn't true!" But of course, I can't. I think I shall go to bed, and then I won't be tempted to look out of the window. Always your own loving Audrie. Please write at once, and address Poste Restante, Torquay.

But one of the party had desired letters to be sent poste restante, Amsterdam. The post-office is hard by that awful palace where the Atlas is, and which we really saw. There was only one letter, you see. Only one chance of finding us. There it was. "The post has only this moment come in," says the smirking commissioner. And he hands over the paper, thinking he has done something clever.

He suffers to such a degree from fleas that I cannot bear to witness it. He tears off his pretty curls through the irritation. Do you know of a remedy? Direct to me, Poste Restante, Florence. Put via France. Let me hear, do; and everything of yourself, mind. Is Mrs. Partridge in better spirits? Do you read any new French books?

I await you with anxiety. Your sincere cousin, P.S. Write to me forthwith to Munich, Poste Restante, a little note of twenty-four pages, but do not mention where you are to lodge, that I may not find you out nor you me. Munich, Dec. 29, 1778. I reserve everything till our glad, joyous meeting, when I can once more have the happiness of conversing with you, for to-day I can only weep.