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"Miss Browne thinks Sir Ensor and his wife must have crossed the Quantocks coming here, and have taken a fancy to the name of West Quantoxhead's patron saint, Audrie, also spelled that way." "It's rather a pretty name," I ventured, feeling pink. "One of the prettiest in the world," said Sir Lionel. I was pleased though I ought to have been bowed down with the burden of borrowed guilt.

Good night, dearest little Dame Wisdom, with more love than ever from Your Audrie. I'm so glad we are staying here all day to-morrow and to-morrow night. There are dozens of beautiful things to see; and besides, it is as safe as the inmost circle of a labyrinth from Dick, who has no clue. Queen's Hotel, Chester, September 1st At least, I didn't draw a blank exactly when I went there before.

She said it was extraordinary how well the author of "Lorna" had known all the traditions of her family for she was one of the Doones; and that there really was a Sir Ensor, a wild rebellious son of an Earl of Moray, who travelled with his wife to Exmoor, and settled there, in a rage because the king would give him no redress against his elder brother. "How does she spell her name of Audrie?"

I don't think there is another in the world. And to-morrow I am to have the honour of informing him that I'm in love with that little worm, Dick Burden. Having seen the sun, I love a flicker of phosphorus on a sulphur match. Do write me the minute you get this, won't you? No, telegraph if you can think of anything consoling to say. Poste Restante, Chester. Your frightened and loving Audrie.

If I were Ellaline Lethbridge, with the feelings of Audrie Brendon, I should have taken the recital precisely as she expected; though really I don't think Ellaline herself, as she is, would have minded desperately, except about the money.

Henry Arthur Jones's finely conceived, though unequal, play, Michael and his Lost Angel, we miss what was surely an obligatory scene. The play is in fact a contest between the paganism of Audrie Lesden and the ascetic, sacerdotal idealism of Michael Feversham.

It mayn't be becoming, but that won't matter, as Sir Lionel will never look at me; and you will see by my letters in future how well I am getting on. Best love to my best loved, From Audrie. Keswick Hotel, September 3rd

To-morrow morning, at half-past nine, we're going on; but before we start I'll scribble a Chichester postscript. So you see, I must be up bright and early, especially as I mean to fly out for one more glimpse of the cathedral though I spent most of this afternoon in it. I wonder if you are sparing a few minutes to-night to dream of Your Audrie?

Now I am going down to post this, so that it can leave for London by the last train, and start for Switzerland in the morning of my birthday. I shall count the sunrise a birthday present from heaven if it's fine; and if it isn't I shall know, what I suspect already, that I don't deserve one. Your loving Changeling, Audrie. Compton Arms, Stony Cross, New Forest, July 25th

He found out about Madame de Blanchemain's nephew, Ellaline's Honoré, and put this and that together, until he'd patched up the theory of a love affair. But further he dared not go, on that track, so he pranced back to Versailles, and found out things about Audrie Brendon. The way he did that was through noticing the name of the Versailles photographer who took the group in the garden.