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"Were you ever there?" "Yes." "What kind of a place is it?" "Worse than a dog-kennel." "What does all this mean?" demanded Mrs. Dinneford, with repressed excitement. "Why have you so kept on the track of this baby, when you knew I wished it lost sight of?" "I had my own reasons," replied Mrs. Bray. "One doesn't know what may come of an affair like this, and it's safe to keep well up with it."

And the automatism of the dream-process immediately unites the sex-sensation to the great stock image, and produces an incest dream. But does this prove a repressed incest desire? On the contrary. The truth is, every man has, the moment he awakes, a hatred of his dream, and a great desire to be free of the dream, free of the persistent mother-image or sister-image of the dream.

Many authors find in patriotism or in national honor the chief or the sole cause of war. Jones , the Freudian, for example, says that patriotism is the sum of those causes of war which are conscious as distinguished from the repressed motives.

North Carolina repressed with some effort the independent State of Franklin, or "Frankland," the land of the free Franks, as it was first called, which John Sevier and other hardy spirits set up in what is now eastern Tennessee.

"How long ago was that?" "About an hour and a half; perhaps longer." A groan that could not be repressed broke from the father's lips. "Isn't he at home?" asked the young physician, turning round quickly from the bed and betraying a sudden concern. "No; and I am exceedingly anxious about him." The eyes of Mr.

Elizabeth Mellen was looking at him in a strange silence; whatever might have been in the past there was no spell now in those glorious eyes which could dazzle her soul into forgetfulness; shade after shade of repressed emotion passed over her features as she gazed, leaving them at last white and fixed as marble. "You are pale," he said, "so changed." She started as if he had struck her.

Still the two systems never became united; the Venetian policy repressed the power of the church, and the Venetian artists resisted its example; and thenceforward the architecture of the city becomes divided into ecclesiastical and civil: the one an ungraceful yet powerful form of the Western Gothic, common to the whole peninsula, and only showing Venetian sympathies in the adoption of certain characteristic mouldings; the other a rich, luxuriant, and entirely original Gothic, formed from the Venetian-Arab by the influence of the Dominican and Franciscan architecture, and especially by the engrafting upon the Arab forms of the most novel feature of the Franciscan work, its traceries.

There was only one more day to-morrow left of the voyage before Boston Harbor, and everyone was full of the repressed excitement and restlessness of getting home. The decks were alive with couples and single folk, passing and repassing in both directions; some very briskly in real constitutionals, and some much more leisurely as though merely for the occupation of movement.

Consequently the diseases, training, example, education and opportunities in childhood and infancy are of very great significance, the parental training and example and the home conditions having a most intimate relationship to the development of many of these tics. Imitation and mimicry here play a decided role. Spoiled children, too quickly satisfied or over repressed, are apt to develop tics.

At the outset, General Grant, fearing discord on account of Averell's ranking Torbert, authorized me to relieve the former officer, but I hoped that if any trouble of this sort arose, it could be allayed, or at least repressed, during the campaign against Early, since the different commands would often have to act separately.