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So I listened a goodish bit, and somehow everythin' seemed unnathural quiet, till I heard Katty fidgettin', and I went over to see would she take a dhrink of wather. The Lord presarve us and keep us, ma'am, if all the rest of them hadn't quit quit out of it they have, and left us cliver and clane." "Ah, now, don't be romancin' man," said the widow, remonstrantly.

"My last night at home, Vix," he said remonstrantly; "I really ought to dine with my mother." "Of course you ought, and that's the very reason why you'll dine with us. So 'kim over, now, as Bates says to the horses; I don't know what there is for dinner," she added confidentially, "but I feel sure it's something nice. Dinner is papa's particular vanity, you know. He's very weak about dinner."

The interest of the morrow was no longer at a deadlock. "There is really no reason on earth why you should be so alarmed at the man's waiting a few minutes, mamma," said Gwendolen, remonstrantly, as Mrs. Davilow, having prepared the writing materials, looked toward her expectantly. "Servants expect nothing else than to wait. It is not to be supposed that I must write on the instant."

This was a remark on which the child had again to reflect. "Oh not his WIVES!" she remonstrantly exclaimed. The words at another moment would probably have set her friend "off," but Mrs. Beale was now, in her instant vigilance, too immensely "on." "Did you ever in your life see such a feather?" Maisie presently continued.

You reproach me that I parted with you. I had joy enough without you then. Now you are come back to me, and I cannot make you a joy. Have you the cursing spirit of the Jew in you? Are you not able to forgive me? Shall you be glad to think that I am punished because I was not a Jewish mother to you?" "How can you ask me that?" said Deronda, remonstrantly.

Ask Lillian she happened to be standing at the window there, and she said she saw the stars for a few moments." "Now, now, now!" exclaimed Briscoe remonstrantly, rising and coming toward the hearth. "You two are trying to get up a panic, which means that this delicious season in the mountains is at an end for us, and we must go back to town. Why can't you understand that Mrs.

Just now, in the second act, he was unmannerly again. I shall put in another appearance for ten minutes time enough to give him an opportunity to commit himself, if he feels inclined. I really can't let the brute suppose that he is keeping me out of the box." "My dear fellow," said Newman, remonstrantly, "what child's play! You are not going to pick a quarrel about that girl, I hope."

"It's a sin and shame, and I know it!" he said in his deepest voice. "But you keep up your courage, Lucy. When things 'gets to the bottom they're bound to go up again, for they never stand still." He stood up and knocked his pipe clean against the wooden chair seat with vigorous thumps that seemed to relieve him, and started towards the street. "Where you going?" asked Lucy remonstrantly.

"It was to see the electro-motor in the city, was it not?" "Good Heavens, Marian!" he said, rising, "what spirit of woman or spirit of mischief tempts you to coquet with me even now?" "I really thought that was the reason besides, of course, your desire to make papa amends for not having been to see him sooner after your return." "Marian!" he said, still remonstrantly.

"But, Dorothea," he said, remonstrantly, "you can't undertake to manage a man's life for him in that way. Lydgate must know at least he will soon come to know how he stands. If he can clear himself, he will. He must act for himself." "I think his friends must wait till they find an opportunity," added Mr. Farebrother.