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"It has," replied the religioso; "it cured a woman of dropsy two weeks ago." "In what quarter of Rome did she live?" I asked. "She lived in the Vatican," replied the Franciscan. "We have some great doctors in the city I come from," I said; "we have some who can take off an arm, or a leg, or a nose, without your feeling the slightest pain; but we have no doctor like this little doctor.

Among a large number of works for the pipe-organ, few are so marked by that purposeless rambling organists are so prone to, as the "Fantaisie." The "Melody and Intermezzo" of opus 20 makes a sprightly humoresque. The "Andante Religioso" of opus 17 has really an allegretto effect, and is much better as a gay pastorale than as a devotional exercise. The "Romanza" is a gem of the first water.

Gilchrist is at work upon a second symphony of more modernity. The "Nonet" is in G minor, and begins with an Allegro in which a most original and severe subject is developed with infinite grace and an unusually rich color. The Andante is religioso, and is fervent rather than sombre. The ending is especially beautiful. A sprightly Scherzo follows.

Leiasse en la gravedad de su rostro, el peso de la nobleza de su alma, resplandecia enmedio desto por eccelencia una umildad profunda. fue limpissimo, mui onesto i recogido, gran Religioso, i observante de las Leyes.

An appalling scheme of self-amusement is seen in his "Caprice," in which a theme of eight measures' length is instrumented with almost every contrapuntal device known, and with psychological variety that runs through five movements, scherzando, vigoroso, con sentimento, religioso, and a marcia fantastico. The suite called "Village Fête" is an experiment in French local color.

After these things, Cosimo and Lorenzo de' Medici, wishing to honour the bodies and relics of the three martyrs, Protus, Hyacinthus, and Nemesius, had them brought from the Casentino, where they had been held in little veneration for many years, and caused Lorenzo to make a sarcophagus of bronze, in the middle of which are two angels in low-relief who are holding a garland of olive, within which are the names of those martyrs; and they caused the said relics to be put into the said sarcophagus, which they placed in the Church of the Monastery of the Angeli in Florence, with these words below, carved in marble, on the side of the church of the monks: CLARISSIMI VIRI COSMAS ET LAURENTIUS FRATRES NEGLECTAS DIU SANCTORUM RELIQUIAS MARTYRUM RELIGIOSO STUDIO AC FIDELISSIMA PIETATE SUIS SUMPTIBUS ÆREIS LOCULIS CONDENDAS COLENDASQUE CURARUNT.

X, p. 369. In relation to Montoya, Luis de Leon says: 'Y cuanto toca al capítulo tercero, si yo no temiera aquella sentencia Malédici regnum Dei non possidebunt, y aquella Invicem mordentes, invicem consumemini, yo pudiera relatar mas de dos cosas, algo mas pesadas que es dar un agnus Dei un fraile á otro sin pedir al perlado licencia, de las cuales este hombre religioso no hace escrúpulo.

En segundas nupcias casó con Doña Leonor de Villanueva, y tuvieron dos hijos; pero no declaran quienes fueron del primer matrimonio, y quienes del segundo. Luis de Leon, religioso del orden de S. Agustin. Documentos inéditos, vol. X, pp. 96-97, 184-185, 255-256; vol. An echo of the charge is faintly audible in Luis de Leon's own testimony.

Zúñiga is careful to state that he is 'predicador y religioso, morador en el monasterio de Sanct Agustin de la dicha ciudad de Toledo, de edad de treinta y seis años', and again, 'predicador, profeso de la órden de Sanct Agustin... de la dicha ciudad de Toledo, é dijo ser de edad de treinta y seis años'. It appears that in the sixteenth century a very straight line was drawn by the Augustinians between official 'preachers' and 'professors': it was thought that the qualities needed by the one were not likely to be found in the other.

It is full of delicate tenderness, and each piece is much like a gentle, strong child wandering in Fairyland, melted now by the sweets of child-deep piety in the Adagio Religioso, now leaping down the Polacca Guerricra like a young angel down a ladder from heaven, and roaming wistful and silent and amazed in the solitude of the Prairie, at times leaping and running and shouting, and then sighing and weeping and losing its voice in aerial cadences, until the smiles make rainbows through the tears again.