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The man kept him in hot water with the Harbour Office as to the state of his accounts. He wished to goodness he would get my job, though in truth what would it be? Temporary relief at best. I said: "You needn't worry. He won't get my job. My successor is on board already." He was surprised, and I believe his face fell a little at the news. Captain Giles gave a soft laugh.

For all that he then saw in nature was but a setting for a woman; even the sun itself, low in the west, robbed of its glory, and faded into a dull red ball seeking to hide its head, but served to throw into high relief the noble and beautiful face of the girl upon whom he gazed, the girl who was sun and life and light and world for him.

But there was little in any of these faces to calm him, and turning shortly away, he walked manfully across the room and took his stand by the detective. "I am positive," he began, "that it is not my wife " At this moment the cloth that covered the body was removed, and he gave a great start of relief. "I said so," he remarked, coldly. "This is no one I know."

Indeed, this last winter I was jaded out; winters were always worse than other parts of the year, because the spirits are worse, and I had no daylight. In summer I had daylight evenings. The relief was hinted to me from a superior power when I, poor slave, had not a hope but that I must wait another seven years with Jacob; and lo! the Rachel which I coveted is brought to me.

I am Mr. Kinnier, Dr. He said it with such thought-out conviction, such sweet sorrow, and with such relief that I began now to fear for what he might quote next and miss from the landscape. Had he come from Dubuque to prove me

The invention of the poor sacristan would have covered the surface of the earth with plates engraved or sculptured in relief, but would not have been a substitute for a single case of movable type.

To Roger's amazement the man in overalls started at the words with something like alarm in his expression; but as his shrewd blue eyes took them in they showed relief. "What are they?" asked Roger. The man's expression took upon itself a mask of disinterest, almost sullenness. "What you talking about?" "Those birds up there?" "Didn't see any birds. Looking to see if it would rain."

Ellen was pulling herself together, trying to take his lack of censure as a matter of course and choking back the tears of relief. "I'd not say that," she said in a strangled voice. "Miss Chrissie isn't so bad, though with those teeth I think she would be wiser to avoid looking arch. Och, Mr. James, what's come to you?"

"And will our presence prevent these horrible acts?" demanded Mabel, with interest. "It may or it may not, as Providence wills. Lundie, as they call him, he who commands this garrison, sent a party down to take a station among the islands, to cut off some of the French boats; and this expedition of ours will be the second relief.

He seemed bereft now of all desire or emotion, simply the passive witness of things external in a calm which, though he scarcely realised its cause, was an exquisite solace and relief. His senses were intensely sharpened with sleeplessness. The faintest sound belled clear and keen on his ear. The thinnest beam of light besprinkled his eyes with curious brilliance.