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I may be mixing up with my first vague dread the certainty that came later. But sometimes I wonder why Reggie didn't suspect me. I suppose my rectitude that had dished me with Viola saved me with her brother. He took me to lunch with him at his club, and went off quite happily afterwards to the Army and Navy Stores to see about his kit. I went straight to Jevons's rooms in Bernard Street.

I don't want him to hear us talking about the darned thing." Archie looked over his shoulder and perceived that it was indeed so. Reggie was threading his way among the tables. "Well, HE looks pleased with things, anyway," said Bill, enviously. "Glad somebody's happy." He was right. Reggie van Tuyl's usual mode of progress through a restaurant was a somnolent slouch.

She did manage it too; and in the crush as they all approached the door Bessie's happy shoulder was rubbing against the shoulder of the attractive Reggie. "It's been first-rate, hasn't it?" he said, as if the two years in which he had had no speech with the girl were as nothing, and they had parted yesterday. "Wasn't She fine! Glad I came. I wouldn't have missed her for anything." "Heavenly!"

George found himself speculating upon Reggie. He was unable to place him. That he was a friend of Maud he knew, and guessed that he was also a resident of the castle.

I'm a jolly good fellow, Twenty-one today." Lord Belpher scowled morosely. "I wish you wouldn't make that infernal noise!" "What infernal noise?" "That singing!" "My God! This man has wounded me!" said Reggie. "I've a headache." "I thought you would have, laddie, when I saw you getting away with the liquid last night.

And now how about trickling forth? I say, laddie, you don't object if I sing slightly from time to time during the journey? I'm so dashed happy, you know." "Not at all, if it's not against the traffic regulations." Reggie wandered aimlessly about the room in an ecstasy.

'But they are not honest folk if they're smugglers, interposed Reggie, who had been listening to the conversation without joining in. A peculiar expression flitted across Duncan's face. 'Well, but, Mr. Allan, he maintained; 'I'm just telling you, that it will pe petter if you will not pe telling the laird; you will only pe meking trouble in the island and will pe doing no good at ahl, at ahl.

"'Future husband!" echoed Derrick, with a surprise that was only momentary. "Yes," said Reggie, quietly. "I have won my angel. I don't deny that it was difficult; but this last business of yours settled it.

I sidled to the door, and slid forth. They didn't notice me. My experience is that nobody ever does much. Well-meaning chappies at the club sometimes amble up to me and tap me on the wishbone, and say "Reggie, old top," my name's Reggie Pepper "you ought to get married, old man."

'Something about telling something to Father, he said, after studying the signals for awhile; 'I can't make out the rest. They looked at each other with frightened eyes. 'Here, Reggie, said Allan, handing him the glass, 'you try. Reggie looked, then shook his head. 'Can't make anything of it, he said. 'Perhaps they want us to come on board again, said Harry.