United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

His actions were such as would cause the redcoat to think he did not contemplate offering any resistance, and this was done purposely, so as to throw the redcoat off his guard. And it worked that way, for the soldier, with a careless wave of the hand, said: "March along in front of me to the encampment, young fellow. We'll see what General Percy thinks about you."

"That bull-headed redcoat is likely to get a surprise!" he thought. In less than ten minutes the half-breed returned. Macfarlane warmly grasped his hand. "It's all right," said Strange. "I went straight up to them. I had no trouble. Even now the older heads are thinking of the consequences. I think they'll be gone directly."

There was a general craning of necks, a shifting of feet, a rustle of whispers. "Ah!" mockingly exclaimed Courteau. "I was dreaming, eh? To be sure!" He laughed disagreeably. "Is this 'house' money?" inquired the redcoat. Miller shook his head in some bewilderment. "We don't keep two kitties. I'll weigh it and see if it adds up with the Count's " "Oh, it will add up!"

Neither could he cry out, and the result was that in about three minutes from the time Dick had seized the redcoat, the fellow was lying unconsciously on the deck-choked into insensibility. Feeling confident the sentinel would remain unconscious some time, Dick left the form lying there, and entered the cabin in search of the other soldier.

"Come to the back door, Donald. Just a moment, while I speak to Louise. And make 'Scotchie' keep still," said Faith, turning into the path leading to the back door. "Scotchie" was barking fiercely as if he resented the sight of the redcoat. The soldier turned quickly. "Stop that dog before I put a bullet into him," he called.

"Where are your masters now?" I asked. He spat upon the ground. "Catawba chief has no master," he said, proudly. "Redcoat pale-faces yonder," pointing back the way I had come. "Make fire, boil tea, sing song, heap smoke pipe." "We must take them," said I. He nodded. "Kill 'um all; take scalp. Wah!" The bloodthirstiness of my two allies was appalling.

When they drink to the King and the redcoat army, we shall say to ourselves, 'Washington and the buff and blue. And when we dance, for there will be your brother and young Vane and Captain Fordham, so we are sure of three partners, and as we whirl around we shall say to ourselves 'Hurrah for the flag of the thirteen colonies!" "It looks quite patriotic that way," answered Primrose archly.

The British coffee-house, where oft we sat, brimful of wine and loyalty, with the gallant gentlemen of Amherst's army, when we wore a redcoat too, the British coffee-house, forsooth, must now be styled the American, with a golden eagle instead of the royal arms above the door. Even the street it stands in is no longer King Street! Nothing is the king's, except this heavy heart in my old bosom.

Masked by bushes, it swung around an abutment and rose by ledge and natural tunnel, perilous and dizzy, but the one way out to safety. At last, a hundred feet above the old shelter, he dipped over the crag head to a saucer-like depression walled from all redcoat view by the surmounted rock.

The redcoat police from Ottawa are coming, and they'll soon be roostin' in this post; the Injuns are goin', the buffaloes are most gone, and the fur trade's dead in these parts. D'ye see?" The woman did not answer the big, broad-shouldered man bending over her, but remained looking into the fire with wide, abstracted eyes and a face somewhat set. "You and your brother Bantry's got to go.