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And the small head of the horse and the short, sharp, pricking ears tossed continually; and now and then the mare threw her head a bit to one side and glanced back at him with what he felt to be a reassuring air. Life and strength and speed were gripped between his knees he flashed a glance at the girl.

But first here was her predicament and what he said was not at all reassuring. Certain alarms that his coming had banished returned in a vague array. She showed her dread in her eyes. "Perhaps I could get to Goldite." "How?" He was half unconsciously patting Suvy, the horse, whose ecstasy thereat was not to be concealed. Beth knew not how. She wished Van would cease that study of her face.

But the gathering athletes who began appear in little knots, coming from the dressing rooms of the building, seemed full of confidence, and answered the loud salutes of a myriad friends in the crowd with reassuring nods, and gestures calculated to buoy up their hopes. The programme would be varied.

'I was in London. It was sent on to me from New York. She was relieved. When she saw him first at the window, she had a lightning vision of him tearing open her letter in New York, jumping instantly into a cab, and boarding the English steamer. This had frightened her. It was, if not exactly reassuring, at any rate less terrifying, to learn that he had flown to her only from London.

I thought, "If she refuses I shall have to insist; and that will be unpleasant." But she didn't refuse. On the other side of the door I heard a subdued, but curiously reassuring cry. She had been sitting outside the open window. Her chair was on the flagged path of the garden.

But as for not telling Mr. King about it, why, it isn't to be thought of for a minute. So I best have it over with at once." And with a reassuring smile at Polly she went out, and closed the door. "Oh, dear me," cried poor Polly, left alone; and springing out of her chair, she began to pace the floor. "Now it will be perfectly dreadful for Mr. Bayley.

It was Violet's presence that had made it possible for her to go in and out with Ranny in his house. She stooped for a final, reassuring look at Baby. "Can you manage with him?" she whispered. He nodded. "I've made him his food in that saucepan. You'll have to heat it on the gas ring in there." "In there" was Violet's room. They went downstairs together.

You may now watch the scene in security, for the heavenly artillery is pointed away from you." "Thank you. I must admit that your prose is both reassuring and inspiring. How one appreciates shelter and home on such a night as this! Hear the rain splash against the window! Every moment the air seems filled with innumerable gems as the intense light pierces them.

Yocomb, good nursing and nourishment are all that he now requires," were the reassuring words that greeted my waking later in the evening. I opened my eyes, and found that a physician was feeling my pulse. I turned feebly toward my kind hostess, and smilingly whispered: "There's no fear of my wanting these where you are, Mrs. Yocomb; but don't let me make trouble.

Meanwhile in the outer world things were not reassuring to the friends of the Government: it was true that half a dozen priests had been captured and examined by torture, and that Sir George Peckham himself, who was known to have harboured Campion, had been committed to the Marshalsea; but yet the Jesuits' influence was steadily on the increase.