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"You like him; you've known him for several years; you know him probably better than you know any other man." "I suppose I do, Mr. Bassett," said Sylvia; "we are good friends, but that's all." He stopped short, and she felt his hand touch her arm for an instant lightly it was almost like a caress, there in the rain-swept street with the maple boughs swishing overhead in the cold west wind.

You know what Major Parr would do and what you and I and every officer and every man of Morgan's corps would do on such a night to men of Sheldon's kidney!" "You mean the unexpected." "Yes, sir. And this red fox on horseback, Tarleton, has ever done the same, and will continue till we stop his loping with a bit o' lead." I nodded and looked out into the rain-swept darkness.

Nobody would have been welcome, but we would have preferred a pig to Yussuf Dakmar. Jeremy, democrat of democrats, who had slept without complaining between the legs of a dead horse on a rain-swept battlefield, with a lousy Turkish prisoner hugging him close to share the blanket, was up in arms at once. "Imshi!" he ordered bluntly. But Yussuf Dakmar was delighted.

"Don't know, sir. Chief didn't say." After a few brief observations on the inclemency of the weather, conversation waned between the two men, and they followed the example of their companions, and sat watching with a depressed air the rain-swept streets and the hurrying foot passengers on the wet pavements.

Almost immediately it began to blow again, but now from the land and as though this land wind were spreading a pall over the sky darkness fell suddenly and with the darkness she could hear the rain coming with the sound she had heard once before like the murmuring of a great top spun by a giant. Then the rain burst on the beach with a roar through which came the hiss of the rain-swept sea.

There was more than half a gale blowing on the eve of the new year, and the wind came howling with a savage violence across the rain-swept fields, so that the first day of a fateful year had a stormy birth, and there was no peace on earth. Louder than the wind was the greeting of the guns to another year of war.

Cally crosses the Great Gulf; and it isn't quite Clear how she will ever cross back again. Baffling questions these, even to young philosophers. Dismissing them as foolish, Cally Heth turned from the rain-swept window, designing to rest awhile in her own room, before dressing for a little dinner at Evey McVey's.

How long I had been there I cannot say, when suddenly it began to rain in torrents. What I might have done or what I had hoped to do is of no importance; for as I sat there staring out at the dismal rain-swept street, a man came along, saw the head-lamps of the cab and stopped, peering in my direction. Evidently perceiving that I drove a cab and not a private car, he came towards me.

David led the way to an oriel window he had become familiar with in the off-times of his first years at Manchester, and they seated themselves there with a low sloping desk between them, looking out on the wide rain-swept yard outside, the buildings of the grammar-school, and the black mass of the cathedral.

So with toil incredible they left the leagues behind, one, and when they were fortunate, two to the day, and evening was at hand when at last they came scrambling down from fir to fir into the rain-swept valley.