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Further, the garments are made by preference in a year which has an intercalary month; for to the Chinese mind it seems plain that grave-clothes made in a year which is unusually long will possess the capacity of prolonging life in an unusually high degree. Amongst the clothes there is one robe in particular on which special pains have been lavished to imbue it with this priceless quality.

Had this prudence and virtue of his been shared by all the citizens of Rome, the practice of prolonging the terms of civil offices would not have been suffered to establish itself, nor have led to the kindred practice of extending the term of military commands, which in progress of time effected the ruin of their republic.

He seemed bright of mind and active of body. He attended school as had none of the other boys; he even went to Sunday-school. Physically and mentally, he gave promise of prolonging the family line but he proved his father's only admitted regret. He lied and he stole. The money which his father would have given him freely he preferred to get by cunning.

The same lax qualities that had brought England so close to the supreme imbecility of a civil war in Ireland in July, 1914, were now muddling and prolonging the war, and postponing, it might be for ever, the victory that had seemed so certain only a year ago. The politician still intrigued, the ineffectives still directed.

"It's one, at any rate, I would like to cultivate with regard to any unpleasantness there may have been between you and me, Bickers," said Railsford. This was not a happy speech, and Mr Bickers accepted it with a laugh. "Quite so; I can understand that. It happens, however, that I have come to assist in prolonging your memory with regard to that unpleasantness.

Guessing by Djalma's question the means which Mahal had employed to draw him into the snare, the Indian hoped to gain time by prolonging his error. "You knew this Frenchman?" asked Djalma of the Phansegar. "He appointed us to meet here, as he did you," answered the Indian. "For what?" inquired Djalma, more and more astonished. "You will know when he arrives."

The Governor had adopted the tone, half authoritative, half reproachful, of a teacher reproving a refractory child. "My time, as you must know, is inadequate to the demands made upon it. I am forced, on occasions, to turn more or less important matters over to others. To whom more naturally than to you, Mr. Barclay?" "May I suggest, sir, that there can be no profit in prolonging this discussion?

Besides being our daily sacrifice, then, under the appearance of bread and wine, besides ever prolonging in our midst that wondrous act of Calvary by which at once He liberated our race and reopened to us the gates of Heaven, the bounteous Shepherd of our souls enters into the tabernacles of our churches, and there in silent patient waiting He craves the love of our hearts and longs for our intimate friendship.

How easily she might speak that word, with an electric and final glance of good-will! "But I must say howdy do to the Doge!" he urged. "I should like to see him buying books. What a prodigal debauch of learning! I cannot miss that!" "It is not far," she said, prolonging Paradise for him.

There was, however, no use in prolonging the agony. Sir Thomas must be told, sooner or later. She was glad of the chance to tell him herself. She would be able to explain that it was all her doing. "I'm afraid there's a mistake," she said. "Eh?" said Sir Thomas. "I've been thinking it over, and I came to the conclusion that we weren't well, I broke off the engagement!"