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If any one in a play-house be so impertinent and rude as to rifle the actors of their borrowed clothes, make them lay down the character assumed, and force them to return to their naked selves, would not such a one wholly discompose and spoil the entertainment? And would he not deserve to be hissed and thrown stones at till the pragmatical fool could learn better manners?

Well, he is alive, at all events: really my good, kind, interfering, pragmatical friend Sampson, with his placards, made me feel uneasy, more uneasy than I would own to you, Jenny." "Unhappy Alfred!" cried Jane, with the tears in her eyes; "and poor papa!" "Oh, never mind me," said Mr.

Whether a pragmatical Presbyterian Scot should regulate the discipline of an English Parliamentarian army, and whether the Westminster Assembly should establish a Presbyterian Inquisitorship over the whole mind of England, were but forms of the same question. Little wonder, then, that Cromwell, finding himself in London on the smaller form of the business, resolved to move also in the larger.

No cursory inspection would suffice her: the pragmatical housekeeper and the rosy milkmaids had time to give up their hearts to Lady Betty like the rest.

A pragmatical fop, attired in a long, magnificent Polish robe, covered with diamonds and other jewels, he was yet recognised by some of those present as having been several years before a student at Leyden under a different name, and with far less gorgeous surroundings.

She was beautiful and good; her naivete and guilelessness were the essence of her charm and how preposterous it was to expect her to think about newspapers, or to be familiar with the price of beefsteaks! As for him he was a blundering creature, dull and pragmatical; he was a great spiny monster that she had drawn up from the ocean-depths.

"Alfred, have I been an unkind father to you all these years?" "Oh no, father, no; I have said nothing that can be so construed. And that is the mystery to me; you are acting quite out of character." "Have I been one of those interfering, pragmatical fathers who cannot let their children enjoy themselves their own way?" "No, sir; you have never interfered, except to pay for anything I wanted."

"They stand upon the watch-tower;" they are indeed pragmatical enough to do so; but who assigned them that post, to give us false intelligence, to alarm us with false dangers, and send us to defend one gate, while their accomplices are breaking in at another? "They cry to God, day and night to avert the judgment of Popery which seems to hasten towards us."

This I should think is proof enough for you but, besides this, I have seen bullets in pistol-shooting play strange vagaries, glancing off from the target at all sorts of queer angles." "Well! well!" replied Frank, "my rifle shoots true enough for me true enough to kill generally and who the deuce can be at the bother of your pragmatical preparations!

To fight for his soul, had he not gone out with his heroic but futile sporting gun? And this pragmatical sergeant? What else had led him from his schoolroom to the battlefield? Why couldn't he be honest about it, like Doggie? She missed Doggie.