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But they were, one and all, convinced that the matter had been arranged between him and his father. There was one from whom better things were expected than to advance money on post-obits to a gambler at a rate by which he was to be repaid one hundred pounds for every forty pounds, on the death of a gentleman who was then supposed to be dying. For it was proved afterward that this Mr.

It has given my father the idea of post-obits 'What are they? asked Molly. 'Raising money to be paid on my father's death, which, of course, involves calculations as to the duration of his life. 'How shocking! said she. 'I'm as sure as I am of my own life that Osborne never did anything of the kind.

Algernon may be in great distress; and I am sure, as far as four hundred pounds, or even a thousand, go, I would not mind lending it him, only upon the post-obits of Squire Vavasour and his hopeful. I like doing a kind thing; and Mr.

It would be no exaggeration to say that Godwin formed Shelley's mind, and that Prometheus Unbound and Hellas were the greatest of Godwin's works. That debt is too often forgotten, while literary gossip loves to remind us that it was repaid in cheques and post-obits. The intellectual relationship will be discussed in a later chapter; the bare facts of the personal connection must be told here.

Boltby; as to settling Scarrowby on the title, Mr. Boltby was clearly against it. "He would raise every shilling he could on post-obits within twelve months." At last the offer was made in the terms with which the reader is already acquainted. George was sent off from the lawyer's chambers with directions to consider the terms, and Mr.

The various post-obits were presented and placed before him. He instantly pronounced the two for five thousand pounds each to be forgeries, and the crime was easily laid at the door of the Queen's Counsel. The heir indignantly refused to condone the offense, and, revealing the fatal secret to a few, within a month it was known in every clubroom in London.

"Pooh! the young fellow we are talking of? Nonsense. He would not be so foolish as to give five times the percentage he otherwise might. Not sign post-obits! Of course he has signed one." RANDAL. "Hist! you mistake, you mistake!" "Were you speaking of Frank Hazeldean?" BARON. "My dear sir, excuse me, I never mention names before strangers." SQUIRE. "Strangers again!

BARON. "Post-obits on sound security cost more to buy up, however healthy the obstructing relative may be." RANDAL. "I should hope that there are not many sons who can calculate, in cold blood, on the death of their fathers." BARON. "Ha, ha! He is young, our friend Randal; eh, sir?"

Month by month I realized that it was more and more difficult to get the brokers to renew my bills, or to cash any further post-obits upon an unentailed property. Ruin lay right across my path, and every day I saw it clearer, nearer, and more absolutely unavoidable.

Bolton thought, the property would be utterly squandered if left in its present condition. It would be ruined by incumbrances in the shape of post-obits. All this had been deeply considered, and at last Mr. Bolton had consented to act between the father and the son. When John Caldigate was driven up through the iron gates to Mr. Bolton's door, his mind was not quite at ease within him.