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When you see them all foam-lathered stretching out like a pack in full cry, or watch them leaping up as if they were trying to see whether the unfortunate ship had been torn down by one of their band, you begin to credit them with some sort of intelligence. The Waif was no poppycock yacht, built to dodge about the Solent and run for Cowes if the wind blew a capful.

They've been whispering to Daney, and this afternoon he mentioned the matter to me." Three pairs of eyes bent upon him; gazes of mingled curiosity and distress. "Have you heard aught of such talk from the doctors and nurses," he continued, addressing them collectively. "I have," said Mrs. McKaye meekly, and the two girls nodded. "I think it's all poppycock," Jane added.

That's all there is to it!" "What do you think of profit-sharing?" Carol ventured. Mr. Elder thundered his answer, while the others nodded, solemnly and in tune, like a shop-window of flexible toys, comic mandarins and judges and ducks and clowns, set quivering by a breeze from the open door: "All this profit-sharing and welfare work and insurance and old-age pension is simply poppycock.

There must be some honest people in the world who don't consider that money is everything. You know there must be, beautiful!" The poet laughed. "That," said he, affably, "is poppycock. You are repeating the sort of thing I said to you yesterday. I am honest now. The best of us, Margaret, cannot help being impressed by the power of money.

He told me only the other night that he really believed that it would take years to overcome the bad effect that this man has had upon the organization and upon the work in general." "That is all poppycock," exclaimed Compton, rather more irritably than was usual with him.

He would have weighed this last possibility before speaking, if the mention of Roberts had not angered him. His combativeness made him persist: "If you don't want to come in with me, all you've got to do is to say so. You've no call to get up on your hind legs about it; it's easy to do settin'. But don't talk poppycock like that Professor; he's silly.

I venture to say that if you sarch the earth all over with a ten-hoss power mikriscope, you won't be able to find such another pack of poppycock gabblers as the present Congress of the United States of America would be able to find find among their constituents. Gentleman of the Senit & of the House, you've sot there and draw'd your pay and made summer-complaint speeches long enuff.

"My dear Jeffrey, because, when the Royal Personage who gave it to me was married, I signed certain papers in connection with this necklace and I can't sell it, either as a whole or piecemeal. I assure you I can't." "Very well," said Jeff. "That's probably poppycock, invented for the occasion. But you've got your necklace. There it is. Make the most of it. I never shall pay you another cent."

"I won't be hard on him, Allie," her companion answered her, laughing a little at the unwonted seriousness of her tone; "as long as he doesn't put on airs and talk big about New York and 'the way we do East, and all that poppycock, I'll stand by him. But if he's coming out here to show us how to do it, the sooner it's taken out of him the better."

And with this finally goes the belief in the self-respect and integrity of one's neighbour. The American system does not wait for years of discretion to come before exerting its influence; it makes itself felt in the nursery, where already the word of one child is never doubted by his playmates." There is an excellent American slang word, which is "poppycock."