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"I wish he'd be more conciliatory," whispered Dimock to Danvers; "he's plucky and firm, but so very dictatorial and unpersuasive. Besides, he's forgotten to thank Power." "Yes," said Danvers, "his tone spoils all. Somers," he said, "you've omitted to mention Power, and the fellows will be gone in a minute." "I've been talking so much, you say it." "Not I; I'm no speaker. Here, Dimock will."

I took as cheerful a farewell of my mother as I could, for her sake; and put on a good deal of swagger and "don't care" to console Jem. He said, "You're as plucky as Lorraine," and then his eyes shut again. He was too ill to think much, and I kissed his head and left him. After which I got stoutly into the dog-cart, and we drove back up the dreary hills down which Jem and I had run away.

"Do you mean he won't get over it?" said the canon, in a horrified whisper. "You always want the t's crossed and the i's dotted," said Blundell, impatiently. "Of course there is a chance his only chance. He's a d d plucky old fellow. I never thought to like Sir Timothy half so well as I do at this moment." "I hope I don't dislike any man," faltered the canon. "But "

Everybody dissuaded her, but the plucky old thing went. A week or two afterward she sent for me and I found her crying. She was sure the lad was ill, he spoke to nobody at his work. "Lord, sir!" she said, "it do remind me, when he sits glowering at nights, of those folks in the Bible, when the Devils inside 'em kep' a-tearing 'em. But he's like a new-born babe to me, sir never does me no 'arm.

Still, there's hope when a chap takes that tone. Now I think of it, too, you were a plucky little devil at school; you once did me rather a good turn, I recollect. Remember it, Bunny? Well, wait a bit, and perhaps I'll be able to do you a better one. Give me time to think."

Decker, an Australian, plucky and efficient; Miss Chisholm, a blue-eyed Scottish girl, with a thick coat strapped around her waist and a haversack slung from her shoulder; a tall American, whose name I do not yet know, whose husband is a journalist; three young surgeons, and Dr. Munro. It is all so quaint.

He is a real fine man, as straight as a die and as plucky as he's straight. He has more sense, more judgment " She was breathless. "Spare me the catalogue of his virtues," said Elizabeth drily. "I grant he is perfection and therefore unlovable. All that I asked you out of sheer idle curiosity was: How is your friendship to be rounded off?" Vera was silent.

True, there was a terrible journey before him, which hardly one man in a thousand could hope to accomplish successfully; but he was a daring and plucky rider, used alike to desert and mountain. Then, too, any Indian on the route would give him food and shelter, and warn him of any lurking soldiers.

"In that case I'll have to promote him for it," he said with a smile that made her look away toward the mountains again. Saulisbury took a sudden turn to friendliness, and defended the action when the Major related the story that night at the dinner table, as they were seated over their coffee and cigars. He was dining with the Saulisburys. "It's uncommon plucky, that's what I think, d'ye kneow.

He and the others had removed their life-preservers, as they did not need them in the gig. "That was a plucky thing you did, saving that boat from going down stern first," complimented the captain, a little later that day when they were talking over the events of the wreck. "You showed good judgment, Bob." "Oh, I guess anybody would have done the same." "No, they wouldn't.