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"An emperor, a widower of two wives," said he to himself, "and he treats us to an idyl of the genuine Gessner stamp! An imperial Damon who spends his time twining wreaths of roses with his Philis! Well he had better be left to play the fool in peace; his pastoral will keep him from meddling in state affairs.

Ninon's return to the house in the Rue des Tournelles was hailed with joy by her "Birds," who received her as one returned from the dead. Saint-Evremond composed an elegy beginning with these lines: Chère Philis, qu'êtes vous devenues? Cet enchanteur qui vous a retenue Depuis trois ans par un charme nouveau Vous retient-il en quelque vieux château? The Marquis de Sévigné

Le lendemain, Philis, peu sage, Aurait donné moutons et chien Pour un baiser que le volage À Lisette donnait pour rien!" "And there we are," said Eileen, sitting up abruptly and levelling the pink-tipped finger of accusation at him "there, if you please, lies the woe of the world not in the armaments of nations!

Listen then and be ashamed." And lying there, the back of one hand above her eyes, she sang in a sweet, childish, mocking voice, tremulous with hidden laughter, the song of Phyllis the shepherdess and Sylvandre the shepherd how Phyllis, more avaricious than sentimental, made Sylvandre pay her thirty sheep for one kiss; how, next day, the price shifted to one sheep for thirty kisses; and then the dreadful demoralisation of Phyllis: "Le lendemain, Philis, plus tendre Fut trop heureuse de lui rendre Trente moutons pour un baiser!

On the walls and in the embrasures of the S. windows are a number of stele, or sepulchral reliefs, executed by ordinary funeral masons, which will demonstrate the remarkable general excellence of Attic sculpture in the finest period: 766, to Philis, daughter of Cleomedes, is especially noteworthy. Even the inferior reliefs are characterised by an atmosphere of dignified and restrained melancholy.

Let me next introduce the female performers. First female Singers and Parts of Lovers. Mesdames ST. AUBIN, SCIO, LESAGE, CRETU, PHILIS the elder, GAVAUDAN, and PINGENET. Madame ST. AUBIN. She is a capital actress, though chiefly in the parts of young girls; yet she is the main pillar of the Opera Comique.

She is very useful at this theatre, in pieces where the vis comica does not predominate. Mademoiselle PHILIS the elder. This is a pretty pupil of the famous GARAT. She has a clear pipe, a charming countenance, a quick eye, an agreeable person, and some taste. She possesses as much merit as an actress as a singer.

Captain Burnett spent much time at the telephone demanding the slaughter of "Bear," "Bat," "Pharaoh," "Philis," "Philistine," "Moses," "Aaron," etc. etc. It was impossible to visit any of the outpost line by day, and those from Battalion Headquarters who wanted to do so had perforce to go at night. Nights were dark; the ground was covered with shell-holes, some of them of great size.