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The next day, while attempting to climb a fence, and while in the act of raising the body by the arms, the left humerus was fractured transversely at the exact point of his previous suffering. He was again admitted to the hospital, and the fracture dressed in the usual manner. After five or six days a gutta percha splint was used which encircled the arm. Bony union was slow in taking place.

The 'Gutta Percha Company, 'Locock's Female Pills, 'Keating's Cough Lozenges, and the 'Triumphs of Medicine, all with staring woodcuts and royal arms, occupied conspicuous places in every paper. A new advertisement was a novelty. However, the two papers answered a great deal better than either did singly, and any lack of matter was easily supplied from the magazines and new books.

As he experimented on a rising pipe, it is necessary to introduce into the formula the difference of level, h, between the two ends; it then becomes The following are the details of the experiments: First series of experiments: Conduit consisting of cast or wrought iron pipes, joined by means of flanges, bolts, and gutta percha rings. D = 0.20 m. Cent. Cent. Cent.

This was of gutta percha, with a hole down the middle of it into which he passed his arm; at the end was a steel plate to which was fixed a hook; by means of this hook Peace could wield a fork and do other dexterous feats. Marked man as he was, Peace felt it dangerous to stay longer in Hull than he could help.

Half a dozen Kafirs accompanied us, carrying rolls of "cable," wire about the thickness of the lead in a pencil and covered with gutta percha.

Leaving the weaver's cottage, the rain came on, and we sat a few minutes with a young shoemaker, who was busy at his bench, doing a cobbling job. His wife was lying ill upstairs. He had been so short of work for some time past that he had been compelled to apply for relief. He complained that the cheap gutta percha shoes were hurting his trade.

It felt so badly about this that it proceeded to raise the cost of management from $5 to $11.57 on the $1,000 and shove up the premium something more than 20 per cent! It is believed that the gutta percha conscience of the general officers is now reasonably easy that "the necessities of our business" are not on a parity with the ability of the corporation to yank the legs of the guileless yap.

As in the case of heat and cold, we may say either that this has come about by a flow of positive electricity from the cat's skin to the gutta percha, or by a flow of negative electricity in the opposite direction, for these statements are identical. In case of our gas cylinders, the gas tends to leak out of the vessel where the pressure is great into the vessel where it is small.

The odor of factories and of chemical products now passed with the breeze which was simulated by means of fans; nature exhaled its sweet effluvia amid this putrescence. Des Esseintes warmed a pellet of storax, and a singular odor, at once repugnant and exquisite, pervaded the room. It partook of the delicious fragrance of jonquil and of the stench of gutta percha and coal oil.

West pulled and the other boy struggled, and then, at last, when both were out of breath, the straw hat rose above the ledge and its wearer scrambled up. Sitting down beside West he drew the ball from his pocket and handed it over. "What do they make those of?" he asked. "Gutta percha," answered West. "Then they're molded and painted this way. You've never played golf, have you?"