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After his injunction to her to leave the Castle first thing next morning, she took it that they would hardly dine together, and told Elizabeth Twitcher to tell Wilkins to serve her dinner in her boudoir. Also, she refused to put on an evening gown, saying that the peignoir she was wearing was more comfortable on such a hot night. Last of all, she told her to pack some of her clothes that night.

She was attired in a white morning dress, or peignoir, slightly unbuttoned at the collar, and revealing the glories of a snowy columnar neck, while the hem, negligently raised, displayed two beautiful slippered feet half buried in the plush of a scarlet cushion.

'But surely you have some tender souvenir of your child's father? I said. 'Do I know who my child's father is? she demanded. 'My child has thirty-six fathers! 'You seem very bitter, I said, 'for your age. You are much younger than I am. She smiled and shook her honey-coloured hair, and toyed with the ribbons of her peignoir. 'What I say is true, she said gently.

Any nice-minded girl I'm sure, if it had been me I should have fainted out of pure shame at finding myself in a man's arms without a peignoir!" "Well, that was just it, you see. I had fainted. So" the corners of her mouth trembling in spite of herself "I wasn't able to put on my peignoir." "I see." Miss Caroline looked slightly relieved.

The voice that called out "Entrez!" in reply to Esther's knock sounded sharp and strained. Lady Clifford was sitting before her rather elaborate dressing-table, partly dressed, wrapped in a peignoir of heavy white crêpe. The face she turned upon Esther was pale and shadowed about the eyes, the lips tightly compressed. She really did look ill.

The only orderly thing visible was the immaculate row of fine kid boots, long, narrow, pearl-grey, tan and champagne-coloured. Arithelli lay on the big bed under the faded canopy. She had wrapped herself in a thin blue peignoir, and her face was half hidden in tangled hair. The tumbled bed-clothes were pulled to one side and dragging on the dusty boards.

And what was to be said for you could not call them old dotards when the younger protestants of the time came walking through the sober streets of Boston and seated themselves in concert-halls and lecture-rooms with hair parted in the middle and falling upon their shoulders, and clad in garments such as no known human being ever wore before garments which seemed to be a compromise between the blouse of the Paris workman and the peignoir of a possible sister?

"French cambric peignoir, trimmed real Valenciennes, turquoise ribbon, nineteen guineas," he read presently. "Surely you would never give twenty pounds for a gown you wear when you are having your hair dressed?" "That is only the name, dear. It is really a breakfast-dress. You know you always like to see me in white of a morning." The Captain groaned and said nothing.

That tall man, for instance, with the black beard and striped peignoir, yonder there's a fellow who comes once or twice a week all through the season, goes through the ceremony of undressing, smokes, gossips, criticises, is looked up to as an authority, and has never yet been seen off the platform. Then there's that bald man in the white robe his name's Giroflet a retired stockbroker.

The satin petticoat was loose; and over it was thrown the guipure peignoir which reached to the throat, and was continued at the waist by a pink sash. The full sleeves were open, leaving half-covered, half- exposed, Lucretia's arms, firm and white as Carrara marble.