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In a snowy peignoir, she sat on the side of the couch, with her long waving hair falling in disorder to the marble floor, and seemed indeed like Japhet's "Amarant": "She in her locks is like the travelling sun, Setting, all clad in coifing clouds of gold." The wan Phidian face was turned toward them, and was breathless in its anxious eagerly questioning expression.

She knew that Vaudrey was to come, and suddenly leaving the fire, she arrayed herself for him in a black satin peignoir lined with red surah, with lapels of velvet thrown widely apart and allowing the whiteness of her neck and chest to be seen under folds of old lace.

As the soldiers surrounded Arthur, the master and mistress of the house brought up the rear of this strange procession; he in dressing gown and slippers, she in a long peignoir, with her hair in curlpapers. "There is, sure, another flood toward, and these couples are coming to the ark! Here comes a pair of very strange beasts!"

"Delightful!" said the young girl, giving a rapid glance at M. de Cymier, who had risen. He was looking at her with evident admiration, an admiration at which she felt much flattered. She was closely wrapped in her soft, snow-white peignoir, bordered with red, above which rose her lovely neck and head.

Gould, 'I do not know how you have such beautiful flowers and in this wretched climate! 'Yes, it is very trying; but then we have a great deal of glass. 'Which do you prefer, roses or azaleas? asked Mrs. Barton. 'Les roses sont les fleurs en corsage, mais les azalées sont les fleurs en peignoir.

Perhaps the most striking portion of the scenery was Helen's peignoir. He had not before witnessed her in a peignoir. The effect of it was agreeable; but, indeed, the modern taste for luxury was incredible! He wondered if Mrs. Prockter practised similar extravagances. While such notions ran through his head he was hurrying to the stairs, and dropping a hail of candle-grease on the floor.

The morning sunlight, goldenly gay, was streaming in through the windows as Magda, wrapped in a soft silken peignoir, made her way into the bathroom. Virginie, her eyes reddened from a night's weeping, was kneeling beside the sunken bath of green-veined marble, stirring sweet-smelling salts in to the steaming water. Their fragrance permeated the atmosphere like incense.

He came home with his notes, and found Rosa beaming in a crisp peignoir, and her lovely head its natural size and shape, high-bred and elegant. He sat down, and with her hand in his proceeded to describe the houses to her, when a waiter threw open the door "Mrs. John Cole." "Florence!" cried Rosa, starting up.

Although an old man, his activity was immense, both of mind and body. It was about ten o'clock in the morning. In an exquisite room, where each detail was in the best of taste and very rich, Carmen, in a peignoir trimmed with lace, was half lying on a couch. Her beautiful hair was loosely tied, and fell over her shoulders in a golden cascade.

She walked slowly across the lawn and up to her suite of rooms, thinking of Grey. She changed into a peignoir, lit a cigarette, lay down on a couch, and went on thinking about him. She gave no thought to the matter of whether they had been watched. Lord Loudwater had become of less interest than ever to her; his furies seemed trivial. She had a feeling that he had become a mere shadow in her life.