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He knew that the reader always balks unless the hero gets the heroine firsthand and he had thought of making the villain an invalid. Yet at that too he knew the reader would balk. The reader is so nice-minded! Now, the plot recurring, he said to Verelst: "Your knowledge of women has, I am sure, made you indulgent." "Not in the least." "But " "Look here," Verelst interrupted.

For all her bouncing ways and animal health and incorrect information, I thought Dora was a nice-minded girl. Do nice-minded girls hunt husbands? Good heavens! This looks like the subject of a silly-season correspondence in The Daily Telegraph. July 19th. Campsie, N.B. Hither have I fled from my buccaneering relations.

And there were others, apparently far more unsuitable for nice-minded girls old leather-bound books with quaint wood engravings and thick yellow pages printed with old-fashioned "s's" like "f's."

"Don't drivel," said Lalage. "Hilda isn't crying for that. She's not a perfect idiot, whatever you may say." "I didn't say anything of the sort. I said she was a nice-minded girl." "Same thing," said Lalage, "and she's not either the one or the other." "Then why is she crying?" "Because her mother is taking her home. That's the reason I'm going for Pussy Battersby."

Anna's passion is for her Uncle Clement, and she has given up the season on his account, though Lady Travis Underwood was most anxious to have her; and as to Emily, though she is obliged to go out sometimes, she hates it, and has a soul set on slums and nursing." "You mean that the style of gaieties revolts a nice-minded girl?" "Partly.

Then Sylvia would come to hear of it, and what would she think? She would naturally be repelled, as any nice-minded girl would be, by the idea that her lover was in secret alliance with a supernatural being. And her father and mother would they allow her to marry a man, however rich, whose wealth came from such a questionable source?

"A nice-minded young man stays away, if he sees that his feelings are not returned, or if he has no position to offer. And another thing I'll tell you, Joan, though you do think yourself so clever. You don't need to worry if Ephie is odd and fidgety sometimes just now. At her age, it's only to be expected. You know very well what I mean. All girls go through the same thing. You did yourself."

She was in bed for a week, and ever since has been subject every few years to prolonged rheumatic attacks accompanied by great depression which often lasts for months. She is a nice-minded woman, very quiet, and grateful for anything done for her. In this she is unlike many who accept everything as a matter of course.

In spite of anything Lalage might say I still believed Hilda to be a nice-minded girl, the sort of girl that any man would like to have staying in his house. For all three reasons the Canon would require sympathy and comfort. I drove on to the rectory. There I had, once more, to reconsider my position. The Canon was comforting himself. He had, so the maid informed me, gone out fishing.

We walk up the hill nearly every day after lunch. Tommy can play about with the curate's little boys. They all wear spectacles; but I believe they are quite nice-minded, so that will be all right, as you are so particular." "And do green carnations bloom on the cottage walls?" "My dear Emily, green carnations never bloom on walls at all. Of course they are dyed. That is why they are original. Mr.