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The words seemed to come from the lips of the waxen man, and struck the crowd with astonishment. "I would tell you vat you vants to know," he added, "but I pees von stranger in dose barts mineself." Then the woman seemed to speak: "Come to de dable, mine frient, and eat somedings mit us."

Angeline quietly left the table, for the wells of her heart were overflowing. "Tar shall come news as t' wessel mine Tite shails in comed pack, eh?" enquired Hanz, fixing his eyes steadily on the Dominie. "Not that she has arrived," returned the Dominie, "but that there is news of her " "Tar pees news," muttered Hanz, his eyes glistening with anxiety. "An nopody tells me t' news before, eh?

Yes, mine shild, I never shees no petter gals as you pees." And he rose from his chair, and approaching Mattie, patted her on the shoulder encouragingly. "You pees such a goot girl," he repeated, "and you will pe mine goot friend, eh?" "Certainly I will. Why should I be anything else?" replied Mattie, looking up smilingly in his face. Hanz shook his head.

"and as to marcy wee find on marcy foresayd on her secret parts growing within ye lep of ye same a los pees of skin and when puld it is near an Inch long somewhat in form of ye fingar of a glove flatted "that lose skin wee Judge more than common to women." "Octob. 29 1692 The above sworn by the above-named as attests "JOHN ALLYN Secry"

"I tolds you tar pees un shust Got; and now you shees how dat shust Got he pees mine friend." "Aye, verily," rejoined Critchel, "and he lets them what builds castles and lives like lords suffer their disappointments. Poor people like us, who work with their hands, stick to their lands, and pay their debts, have their castles in peace and contentment."

He can find the wherewithalls to pay for lawyer's parchment, says you But mind, that's a nether here nor there So a here Missee stands I, says you; I and my honest old father A's got the marygolds, says you! The gilly flowers, the yellow boys, says you! Golore! But that's a nether here nor there. So do you tell her all a that I bid ee, and a mind your pees and cues.

"I don't think it was very much like my fright," remarked Lulu, in disgust; "it couldn't have been half so bad." "Vell, maype not; but dat Nero ish a goot, kind tog; he bide dramps, but nefer dose nice leetle girl. Dis ish de great day when dose nice old lady pees von huntred years old. What you dinks? a fery long dime to live?" "Yes; very long," returned Lulu, emphatically.

I pees a friend to everypody what needs a friend, and now what I needs mineshelf is one goot friend. You she, mine taughter, if mine little farm he pees gone, and if mine sheep, and mine cows, and mine everything pees gone, den der is nothin' for mine Tite when he comes home." The old man paused for a moment. It was impossible for him to keep the secret of his trouble from Mattie any longer.

Still there was a doubt in that look it was impossible to mistake. "You ton't know, eh? you ton't know, eh? Maype as he is petter as you ton't know, mine shild. T' man what prings shorrow into mine house; t' man what shays I pees one tief t' mine neighpors dat man he pees no friend of mine."

"Mine shilds," replied the old man, drooping his head, "dar vas un man, he shay as he pees mine goot friend. Dat friend he pees mine enemy. He prings shorrow into mine house. Unt he prings dat shorrow when mine poor Tite he pees sho far away as I ton't know where he is." Tears again filled the old man's eyes as he spoke, and he paused, shook his head, and buried his face in his hands.