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Myron Neifkins, too, if report could be believed, was to be gowned in peach-blow satin worked in French knots. He was a dull clod indeed who could not feel the tremors in the air that momentous Saturday and by night there was not tying space at any hitching rack. If the ball loomed so large to the townfolks, it may be assumed that Kate's anticipation was no less.

It had been utterly lost on that other, but it had almost won with Harleston; and it might have won now with him but for another's smile, she of the ruddy tresses and peach-blow cheek. "My dear Madeline," said he slowly, holding her hand with intimate pressure, "I cannot permit you to betray yourself for me. You are "

And nobody dreamed how, as she sat there, she held before her face, as it were, a sort of mental hand-mirror, in which she could see her head of fair curls, her peach-blow hat, and her slender white-muslin shoulders reflected from Eugene's dark eyes. The fall of every curl had she studied well that morning, and the folds of the muslin pelerine over her shoulders.

It will be perceived that this young lady was not overcome with emotion, but in a perfectly collected state of mind. "He's a little bald, and getting rather stout," she said reflectively, "but he'll do." "I never saw a creature so dead in love as he is," said Belle. A quiet smile passed over the soft, peach-blow cheeks as Lillie answered, "Oh, dear, yes!

"Wouldn't they?" murmured the child, in dreamy sympathy with this belated peach-blow. "Well, that's what people say. In America it would be allowed to come out any time. It's a free country." Mrs. Bowen offered to draw Effie back to a posture of more decorum, but Colville put his arm round the little girl. "Oh, let her stay!

Alva Jackson's eyelids was easily accounted for by the numberless French knots on her new peach-blow silk, but she felt more than repaid for so small a matter as strained eyes by the look of astonishment and envy which she surprised from Mrs. Abe Tutts, who had exhausted her ingenuity in trying to discover what she meant to wear. Mrs.

This gro-o-oanin' world 's too dark and dre-e-ar for the saints' e ter nal rest, This hymn, if it did not wholly reconcile one to death, enabled one to look upon life with sufficient solemnity. It was a thousand pities, she thought, that the old hearse was so shabby and rickety, and that Gooly Eldridge, who drove it, would insist on wearing a faded peach-blow overcoat.

But in this last extract we are still three degrees away from what can be done in the line of gentility and delicate effeteness of style. Take the following, which is the very peach-blow of courtesy: "But upon one point there should be no dubiety: if a man be not frugal he has no business in the arts.

"Not an hour more or less," said Colville. "If they found an almond blossom hanging round anywhere after their time came, they would make an awful row; and if any lazy little peach-blow hadn't got out by the time their week was up, it would have to stay in till next year; the pear blossoms wouldn't let it come out."

A draught of knowledge was like a cup of salt-water to the thirst, and the more we learned the less value we could place on the things for which we labored. A man worked a lifetime to obtain a peach-blow, and it crumbled to dust in his hands. What, then, should we strive for?