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To the anxious inquiries of his wife and daughter he added that the stranger didn't seem like a spy or a Mexican; was "as young as HIM," pointing to the moody Red Jim, "and a darned sight more peaceful-like in style."

She's stampeded whales afore now, and sloshed round with pirates and freebooters in and outer the Spanish Main, and across lots from Marcelleys where she was rared. And yer she sits peaceful-like just ez if she'd never been outer a pertater patch, and hadn't ploughed the sea with fo'sails and studdin' sails and them things cavortin' round her masts."

Dock Smith raised Bill up in bed, an' Dock Brainerd put a piller under the small of Bill's back. Then Sary sat down by the bed an' fed them beans into Bill until Bill couldn't hold any more. "'How air you feelin' now? asked Dock Smith. "Bill didn't say nuthin; he jest smiled sort uv peaceful-like and closed his eyes. "'The end hez come,'f said Dock Brainerd sof'ly; 'Bill is dyin'.

"Bill did n't say nuthin'; he jest smiled sort uv peaceful-like, an' closed his eyes. "'The end hes come, said Dock Brainerd sof'ly. 'Bill is dyin'. "Next mornin' Bill got out uv bed, an' done a big day's work on the farm, an' he hain't hed a sick spell since. Them beans cured him! I tell you, sir, that beans is," etc. WASHINGTON, D. C., Mai 3.

Ef it hadn't been for that, it would hev been all quiet and peaceful-like, and nobody hev knowed it. But the sash being in the way, it sorter created a disturbance and unpleasantness OUTSIDE." "But what was it all about?" I repeated. "What had he done to you?" "Ye'll find it in that paper," he said, indicating a copy of the "Guardian" that lay on my table with a lazy nod of his head.

She claimed to have no memory of her stupor periods and yet said of them: “I feel peaceful-like,” or “I feel awfully happy and sad together,” or “I am sad and contented I like it that way.”

If he quits bein' a Bo and goes to workin' at somethin', then he gets pinched for havin' been a Bo onct. I been livin' honest and peaceful-like and straight and I get pinched. Do you wonder a Bo gets tired of tryin' to brace up?" "Can't say that I do. Got to leave you now. I'll fix you up comfortable in here." And the sheriff unlocked the door leading to the one-room jail.

With thoughtful care Si had fed his mules before appeasing his own appetite, and Shorty found him just waiting for his coffee to cool a bit. "Why, them 'ere mules is jist as gentle'n' peaceful-like ez so many kittens.

I had my mind made up what to do, but I got to shootin' off my gab instead of my gun. I called him Nez Perce an' I throwed all thet talk in his face about old Gass Isbel sendin' fer him -an' I told him he'd git run out of the Tonto. Reckon I was jest warmin' up.... But then it all happened. He slugged Lorenzo jest one. An' Lorenzo slid peaceful-like to bed behind the counter.

Whatever it was don't ask ME but, dern my skin, ef after a word or two from HIM them boys just stopped yellin', turned round like lambs, and rode away, peaceful-like, along with him. We ran after them a spell, still yellin', when that thar Bulger faced around, said to us that he'd 'come down here for quiet, and ef he couldn't hev it he'd have to leave with those gentlemen WHO WANTED IT too!