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Meredith Hanmer relates in his Chronicle that William Rufus, standing on a high rock, and looking towards Ireland said: "I will bring hither my ships, and pass over and conquer that land;" and on these words of the son of the Conqueror being repeated to Murkertach O'Brien, he replied: "Hath the King in his great threatening said if it please God?" and when answered "No;" "Then," said the Irish monarch, "I fear him not, since he putteth his trust in man and not in God."

The listeners, who heard while they looked into the wide chimney-place, saw there pass in stately procession the events and the grand persons of history, were kindled with the delights of travel, touched by the romance of true love, or made restless by tales of adventure; the hearth became a sort of magic stone that could transport those who sat by it to the most distant places and times, as soon as the book was opened and the reader began, of a winter's night.

Gravitation is the destroyer, and gravitation is earth-force. The same monster which produces us devours us. That's so. I hope I shall get a chance to write that book. Clubs are trumps; pass." "Sure you are well, Doc?" inquired Georgie K., again scowling anxiously. "Never felt better, didn't I just say so?

"It was not even allowed to mark out or to divide the plain with a boundary: men sought all things in common," since God had given the earth in common to all, that they might pass their life in common, not that mad and raging avarice might claim all things for itself, and that riches produced for all might not be wanting to any.

I see the ogre pass on, bowing right and left to the company; and he gives a dreadful sidelong glance of suspicion as he is talking to my lord bishop in the corner there. Ogres in our days need not be giants at all.

Scourged also by thoughts and memories which he had never revealed to men save only as he had hinted at them on that other afternoon to Breckenbridge the bad man drank the lukewarm whisky as he rode. And the liquor did its work until when he had gone two hours from the foot of the pass he realized that it was overcoming him.

Why, I think you have the sweetest disposition I ever knew! Mamma was saying only this morning, that you had a face like an angel. "I doubted that, for I was confident Mrs. Eaton had no great prepossession in my favor, but of course I let it pass.

I will set two spears upright in the ground, and put a third spear across, and every man of you, giving up your arms and your cloaks, shall pass under this yoke, and may then go away free." To go under the yoke was accounted the greatest dishonor to a soldier. But the Æquians had no alternative and were obliged to submit.

"I haven't anything but my revolver, and only two shots left in that, and it seems to me that this is about the worst place we could stop." The point where they camped was in the pass, which, at that point, widened considerably.

At that instant, however, they perceived two men aiming at them with cross-bows from the castle, and another standing on the bank above them, who called out, "Hold! None pass the ford of Montemar without permission of the noble Dame Yolande." "Ha! Bertrand, the Seneschal, is that you?" returned Osmond. "Who calls me by my name?" replied the Seneschal. "It is I, Osmond de Centeville.