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Flor every one of them that remained there, two had gone, either to death, captivity or serious injury. They were glad to be alive that morning on the sands of La Panne, under the incessant roaring of the guns. The wind died down; the sun came out. It was January. In two months, or three, it would be spring and warm.

A mile, a hundred feet off the straight and tree-lined road north to La Panne, and I should be arrested. But the time to think about that would come later on. As a matter of fact, I have never been arrested. Except in the hospitals, I was always practically where I had no business to be.

"Do you think La Panne will be bombarded?" I asked. "Why not?" "I thought that possibly, on account of Your Majesty and the Queen being there, it would be spared. "They are bombarding Furnes, where I go every day," he replied. "And there are German aëroplanes overhead all the time."

Although my throat was dry, I was able to enunciate clearly! We dared not light the car lamps, and our progress was naturally slow. Furnes is not on the coast, but three miles inland. So we turned sharp to the left toward La Panne, our destination, a small seaside resort in times of peace, but now the capital of Belgium.

But at Duinbergen the good example set by the founders of La Panne has been followed and improved upon, and nothing could be more chic than this charming little place, which was planned by Herr Stübben, of Cologne, an architect often employed by the King of the Belgians, whose idea was to create a small garden city among the dunes.

I wish good old-fashioned bad temper was still the word for highly strung and nervy people. ... I am longing for beautiful things, music, flowers, fine thoughts.... La Panne. 25 February. At last I have succeeded in getting away from Dunkirk! The Duchess of Sutherland brought me here in her car. Last night I dined with Mrs. Clitheroe.

The effect is extremely picturesque, and the example of the builders of La Panne is being followed at other places, notably at Duinbergen, one of the very latest bathing stations, which has risen during the last three years about a mile to the east of Heyst. Another very interesting place is the Plage de Westende, the present terminus of the electric railway from Ostend.

Keeping to the west and avoiding Paris, this time their route lay through Blois, Tours, Angoulême, Libourne, Biarritz, till, finally, several miles from Pau, they had a panne, as they say in France, and their motor, which had behaved remarkably well until that moment, entered Pau ignominiously at the end of a long tow-rope.

What was she thinking of during those fateful hours when, all night long, King Albert and his Ministers debated the course of Belgium a shameful immunity, or a war? What does she think now, when, before the windows of her villa at La Panne, the ragged and weary remnant of the brave Belgian Army lines up for review? What does she hope for and pray for this Queen without a country?

Not once but a hundred times has the attitude of the average French civilian near the front reminded me of the gallant cry of Calanthea in The Broken Heart: "Let me die smiling!" I should have liked to stop and spend all I had in the market of Dunkerque... All the afternoon we wandered about La Panne.