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They set snugly against the pink panel just over the flaring basin of travertine wherein the water trickles. At night, these niches are flecked with shadows cast by the surrounding trees. Electric lights, concealed beneath the water, shed a warm glow upon the head of the elephant in its frame of sculptured half columns.

If I hadn't," the fire died down in his mild blue eyes, and the thin body seemed to wither and shrink, "if I hadn't struck it, it would hev killed her, the finest lady in the land, an' me too. It was nip an' tuck with both of us. And now," his voice warmed into life again, "and now you offer me fifty thousand dollars." "I am anxious to treat you right, Mr. Panel. Another glass of brandy? No.

The great room, hung with black draperies and brilliantly lighted by a multitude of tall wax candles; the air heavy with incense and the musky odor of the flowers; the two priests in gorgeous vestments who knelt on either side, near the head of the coffin, softly intoning the prayers for the dead; the black-robed nuns who knelt at the foot, silent save for the click of their rosaries; and the ghostly procession of men and women, many of them wounded, all haggard and wan, that passed by, and paused to gaze on the face that lay framed, as it were, beneath a panel of glass in the coffin-lid, from which the pall was drawn back.

First he went over to the door and set a chair under the knob. Next he drew an electric pocket bull's-eye and flashed it about the room. He glanced about and finally went over to Del Mar's desk where he examined a batch of letters, his back to the secret panel.

Got it down? Yas." Uncle Jap folded up the note and placed it carefully in a large pocket-book. "Now write out, good an' plain, what I tell ye. Ready? Date an' address first. That's right. Now " Obviously, he was pulling himself together for a tremendous literary effort. Mrs. Panel had hold of my arm, and was squeezing it hard. Uncle Jap began

Then I bring coffee. You see me when I come I bring the coffee myselluf." He could not have pleased me more. How to get rid of them both was what had been bothering me. I painted on, both of us backed into the low gate with the sliding panel, my eyes on the mosque, my ears open for the slightest sound.

He had scraped together some wealth by the good oldsystem of jobbing had got himself placed upon the Grand Panel of the county, and ultimately, by some corrupt influence at an election, contrived to have the merit of returning the government candidate, a service which procured him a magistracy.

To reach it, the colonel procured a screw driver, and turning the desk around, loosened, with some difficulty, the screws that fastened the proper panel, and soon recovered the paper. With it, however, he found a couple of yellow, time-stained envelopes, addressed on the outside to Major John Treadwell. The envelopes were unsealed.

"But," said Ruth, musing. "I understood that he died of a jail fever, caught at the Assizes, where he was serving on what do you call it?" "The Grand Jury." "Well, how could he be serving on a Grand Jury if his head was affected as you say?" "You don't know England," he assured her. "Ten to one as a County magnate he stickled for it, and the High Sheriff put him on the panel to keep him amused."

Moreover, our enemies ran in and grappled us just forward of her quarter, where she carried a movable panel in her bulwarks to give access to an accommodation ladder. While Nat, Captain Pomery, Mr. Fett, and the two seamen ran to defend the other side, at a nod from my father I thrust this panel open, leapt back, and Mr.