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Laura lets me carry her skates, an' I'm glad of it, although I have my hands full already with the lantern, the hockies, and the rest. Hiram Peabody keeps us waitin', for he has overslept himself, an' when he comes trottin' out at last the girls make fun of him all except Sister Mary, an' she sort o' sticks up for Hiram, an' we're all so 'cute we kind o' calc'late we know the reason why.

"'Sam, said she, 'why don't you speak? and she shook me. "'Hullo, sais I, pretendin' to wake up, 'what's the matter! have I overslept myself? is it time to get up? and I put out my arm to rub my eyes, and lo and behold I exposed my coat sleeve. "'No, Sam, said she, 'you couldn't oversleep yourself, for you haven't slept at all, you ain't even ondressed. "'Ain't I, said I, 'are you sure?

If I had not lost my way in consequence of the hail-storm on the preceding night, or if I had not so greatly overslept myself this very morning, I must almost infallibly have fallen into the hands of these infernal blood-hunters.

When he awoke it was with a feeling that he had overslept himself, and that the morning was well advanced. This feeling grew stronger, too, when, on turning and stretching, he heard his mother's voice: "Paul, Paul, awake at last? Why, what a sleepy boy you are! Have you had a disturbed night, dear?" He opened his eyes with a puzzled stare. "Is it late, mother? Have you had breakfast?

As a natural consequence of her hard work and her midnight awakening, Marcia overslept the next morning. Her stepmother called her sharply and she dressed in haste, not even taking time to glance toward the new folds of chintz that drew her thoughts closetward. She dared not say anything about it yet. There was much to be done, and not even Kate had time for an idle word with her.

"You overslept yourself on the wedding-day, I suppose."

All night long Hepburn wearied himself with passionate tossings, prompted by stinging recollection. Towards morning he fell into a dead sound sleep. He was roused by a hasty knocking at the door. It was broad full daylight; he had overslept himself, and the smack was leaving by the early tide. He was even now summoned on board.

I wish any one would tell me. The Abbe said I must do it by prayer; but it seemed to me prayer only made me think the more of him. "But at last I had a great shock; everything broke up like a great, grand, noble dream, and I waked out of it just as weak and wretched as one feels when one has overslept. Oh, Mary, I found I was mistaken in him, all, all, wholly!"

I had requested the alquilador to call me the next morning at three o'clock; he however did not make his appearance till five, having, I suppose, overslept himself, which was indeed my own case. I arose in a hurry, dressed, put a few things in a bag, not forgetting the Testament which I had resolved to present to the inhabitants of Finisterra.

I am downright glad you missed the boats this morning; overslept yourself, I s'pose; I wanted to say `good-bye' to you and your chums, and I declare to goodness I was only just thinkin' when you come up to me that I'd be obliged to heave the brig to off the rock and run ashore in a boat just to shake nippers with you.