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He writes that at every turn and moment the sense and knowledge and tact of Mr. Osgood are inestimable to him. "Ever, my dear Fields, faithfully yours, Here is a little note dated the 3d of October: "I cannot tell you how much I thank you for your kind little letter, which is like a pleasant voice coming across the Atlantic, with that domestic welcome in it which has no substitute on earth.

Vivid among them is that of a visit which I paid him with Osgood the publisher, then newly the owner of the Atlantic Monthly, when I had newly become the sole editor. Some letters had passed between him and the management concerning our wish, and then Osgood thought that it would be right and fit for us to go to him in person.

If she ever saw his eyes flame, or any gesture which contained a threat, he never knew it; but every revelation from him was a revelation to her of herself, and this was to be her education and her punishment. "Where is your friend Osgood?" he asked once. "He has been away a long time," she answered, looking him full in the face, but with rather a stony expression in her eyes.

"When Osgood, with almost foolhardy bravery, sat his horse directing his dilapidated artillery fire in Cuba, and thus conspicuous, made himself even more marked by wearing a white sombrero, he was not playing the part of a fool; he was following his natural impulse to exert a moral force on his comrades who could understand little but liberty and bravery.

"I think you'd better tell me what he's here for all you know about it," he said bluntly. "You know me I won't use what you tell me unless I have your permission. And I've got an idea that you ought to know what's going on." "I would very greatly prefer that it should not become common knowledge," Mr. Osgood replied with some hesitation; "but I may tell you, Mr. Hancher, that Mr.

I am delighted, in my new capacity as Trustee, to salute the Founder and the Mainstay of our Library." "O!" protested Catherine. "But isn't it perfectly lovely the way the council did take up with the idea? Was there any hitch at all about it?" "Not the least," said Mr. Osgood. "You never saw anything smoother.

Osgood Mason dwells upon community of sensation, and it is doubtless this that renders the direction of aim so exact; but when the subject of tickled faces is considered, we shall see that it does not insure complete accuracy, any more than that exists in volley firing, which with inferior shots is more telling than independent firing, and yet is not perfect.

Max and Archie caught up their hats and fled, leaving Mrs. Osgood to act upon inspiration. Half an hour later, having by strenuous effort regained something of their former freshness of appearance, the two boys dropped in upon the group on the Three Gables lawn. They stopped a minute to take in the details of the pretty picture.

The three Northampton-born brothers Allen, Thomas, Moses, and Solomon, lifted their voices, and, when needed, their armed hands, in the cause of liberty. In later days, Elijah Parish and David Osgood carried politics into their pulpits as boldly as their antislavery successors have done in times still more recent.

Perhaps I do need a change, but it's a change of interests and a change of what I see and hear and talk about." "Commonly termed a vacation," said Mr. Osgood. "Yes, a vacation that's it. Not a vacation from doing anything, because I've done nothing, but a vacation from the atmosphere I've been living in." "You mean the artistic atmosphere?" her uncle asked. "You are a little tired of "