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Their pertinacity exceeded the bounds of civility, as I thought; but I was not in a good humour, for the fleas, bugs, and other vermin, which infested our miserable lodgings, had caused me a sleepless night, by goring my body until the blood oozed from the skin in countless places.

Growing in the top, so far up that he could not reach any except the very lowest, and littlest, ones, were a number of clusters of palm nuts. "Ah! That's the tree I'll knock down!" thought Umboo. He went up to it, and looked at the ground around the roots. It was soft and spongy as he stepped on it, and water oozed out. "This ought to be easy," said the elephant to himself. "Very easy!"

The old shirt itself was stained with black blotches that had once been red the blood that had oozed out during the infliction! The sight sickened me, and called forth the involuntary utterance "Poor fellow!" This expression of sympathy evidently touched the rude heart of the Bambarra. "Ah, mass'!" he continued, "you flog me with hoss-whip dat nuff'n! Gabr'l bress you for dat.

At this the last of my anger oozed all out of me; and I found myself only sick, and sorry, and blank, and wondering at myself. I would have given the world to take back what I had said; but a word once spoken, who can recapture it?

He afterwards drank to a fair wind, to a continuance of the breeze, and repeated this operation so often, that what little knowledge and judgment he could boast of when he left the wharf, insensibly oozed away; and for nearly a week his mental faculties were a great deal below par.

Sanin counselled turning back, but Maria Nikolaevna said, 'No! I want to get to the mountains! Let's go straight, as the birds fly, and she made her mare leap the stream. Sanin leaped it too. Beyond the stream began a wide meadow, at first dry, then wet, and at last quite boggy; the water oozed up everywhere, and stood in pools in some places.

There were, of course, the times when he was away altogether at Empoli, Siena, Florence, Bologna for he delighted in travel, and seemed to pick up friends all over the country. Lilia often heard what a favorite he was. She began to see that she must assert herself, but she could not see how. Her self-confidence, which had overthrown Philip, had gradually oozed away.

I'll show you, Mayme. Wait till I come back if I ever do come back and you'll be sorry." "Hero stuff," commented the Little Red Doctor. "It'll all have oozed out of his fingertips this time to-morrow." "Will you show me a place to enlist?" challenged the boy. "And," he added with a malicious grin, "will you enlist with me?" "Sure!" said the Little Red Doctor. "I'll show you.

And the Parrett's captain marvelled to think how he could have gone on all this term without finding out what a much finer fellow the captain of the school was than himself. And Riddell reproached himself inwardly for never having made more serious efforts to secure the friendship of this honest, kind-hearted athlete, and gradually these secret thoughts oozed out in words.

At the eighth wedge the bones gave way, and the marrow oozed out of the wounds, and it became useless to drive in any more wedges, the legs being now as flat as the boards that compressed them, and moreover Pere Lactance was quite worn out.