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But go now and send Janet and Kitty to me. I must begin to dress." The housekeeper left the room, and was soon replaced by the lady's maid and the upper house-maid. "Is my bath ready, Kitty?" "Yes, Miss; and I have poured six bottles of ody collone intil it," said the girl, with a very self-approving air.

"Sure good luck to the both of thim," said Ody, "Theresa Joyce is a plisant little bein', I'll say that for her, and divil a bit of harm there is in O'Meara aither. A fine chap he is for a sodger; not that they're any great things as far as I can see just pólis a thrifle smartened up."

I should recognise Ody Rafferty, the widow M'Gurk, Mad Bell, old Mrs. Kilfoyle, or Stacey Doyne, if I met them face to face, just as I should know other real human creatures of a higher type, Beatrix Esmond, Becky Sharp, Meg Merrilies, or Di Vernon.

As for Theresa, she ignored Denis's pretty speech, and said 'deed now she remembered her mother had bid her step up and see what way Ody Rafferty's aunt was that morning. And she, too, withdrew from the group to make this visit of inquiry.

But not a bit of her would for all we could do or say. She wouldn't be a burden on the neighbours she said. You see she's proud in her mind, the crathur, that's what it is, goodness help her." "And when a body has that sort of a notion," said Ody, "you might as aisy crack an egg ind-ways as get it out of their head." "So that's the way of it," said Theresa.

As black as a sloe you was; but now it's liker the blossom it's turned." "And time for it," said Theresa. "Sure I'm over sivinty year of age now, any way, every day of it and the long days there was among them, God knows." "But wid all that, ne'er a one of them was long enough for you to be findin' a man to your mind in it," said Ody.

"Bedad, then, its the quare thrack, and the quare places it brings them into. D'you know that, for one thing, they go slap through the Bay of Bisky?" "And is that an ugly bay?" said Mrs. Brian. "You may call it that. I wouldn't be sayin' so to herself over there," said Ody, with much careful mystery. "For it might be on'y discouragin' the crathur worse than she is already.

I think you can guess what's in the wind NOW! I bot myself a dressing-case, a box of Ody colong, a few duzen lawn sherts and neckcloths, and other things which were necessary for a genlmn in my rank. Silk stockings was provided by the rules of the house. And I completed the bisniss by writing the follying ginteel letter to my late master:

Accordingly she sang his praises unweariedly among their new neighbours, and, as Ody was vain enough not to dislike the echoes which reached him, he soon began to look upon her with more complacency, so that they agreed much better than heretofore. She found no small solace, too, after her long cronyless isolation up at the Three Mile Farm, in the company of Mrs. Joyce, and Mrs.

Now, Ody, have done being wild, honey-dear, and be a credit to your family, and to his honour's commendation God bless him for ever for it! From the very first I knew it was he that had the kind heart." I am not sure that it was a very good action to get a man made a serjeant, of whom I knew nothing but that he was son to my nurse.