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'I have no intention of talking about the Savoy, Miss Nunn. It is teacup time, but as yet we have the room to ourselves. Rhoda went and rang the bell. 'The teacups shall come at once. He laughed slightly, and looked at her from beneath drooping lids. Rhoda went on with talk of trifles, until the tea was brought and she had given a cup.

And, so intent was he on the expression of his companion's downcast face, that he allowed an acquaintance to pass close by him unobserved. It was Rhoda Nunn, returning sooner than Miss Barfoot had expected. She saw the pair, regarded them with a moment's keen attentiveness, and went on, out into the street.

There were five soldiers present, Mr. Crawford, the English Consul-General, Pinkerton and Captain John Curtin, my servant Nunn being in custody of the latter. It was a strange and unhappy scene, and every one felt extremely awkward and ill at ease, especially the writer. In the rear of the dining room was a large sitting room, where I kept my valuables in trunks and did my writing. I turned to Mr.

'Possibly, Miss Nunn, narrow social opportunity has something to do with it. They must marry some one, and in the case of most men choice is seriously restricted. 'I should have thought, replied Rhoda, elevating her eyebrows, 'that to live alone was the less of two evils. 'Undoubtedly. But men like these two we have been speaking of haven't a very logical mind. Miss Barfoot changed the topic.

"But you will," said Mrs. Nunn amiably. "You are handsome, my dear, if not quite

Mary knew of the interview between Miss Nunn and Mrs. Widdowson, knew its result; but she would not hint at this. 'I have no means of judging how she regards you, Everard. 'It is possible she even thinks me a liar? 'I understood you to say that she never refused to believe you. He made a movement of impatience. 'Plainly you will tell me nothing? 'I have nothing to tell.

Opening the letter I found an earnest appeal to return at once. Going to the hacienda near by I took the bundle of New York and London papers Nunn had brought. I went to my room, and, opening the Herald I was amazed to see the storm over the Bank of England business and the great desire to discover the mysterious Warren.

But I find it is very difficult to say what I Rhoda waited, offering no help whatever, not even that of a look expressing interest. 'Will you tell me, Miss Nunn, why you behave so coldly to me? 'Surely that doesn't need any explanation, Mrs. Widdowson? 'You mean that you believe everything Mr. Widdowson has said? 'Mr. Widdowson has said nothing to me.

The enthusiasm with which Rhoda Nunn had inspired her appeared only in fitful affectations of interest when Monica pressed her concerning the projected undertaking down in Somerset. In general she had a dreamy, reticent look, and became uncomfortable when any one gazed at her inquiringly.

Her complexion was losing its muddiness and spottiness; her step had become light and brisk. 'And where is your sister? inquired Miss Nunn. 'Staying with friends at present. She will be back before long, I hope. And as soon as baby can walk we are going to think very seriously about the school. You remember? 'The school? You will really make the attempt? 'It will be so good for us both.