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It was such a perfectly normal arrangement that Hugh Noland did not guess that there was anything new in it. He drove away with a feeling of disappointment because he had been unable to draw her into conversation on the way over. She had proven herself a good conversationalist at meals and he looked forward to a time when he would be a permanent part of that household.

Yes, probably Sue Barnes would be there, too, with her chums, Ivy Middleton and Peggy Noland, wondering, it might be, how he, Hugh, could deny himself such a glorious opportunity for the first real good skate of the season. Then Hugh would heave a little sigh, and apply himself harder than ever to his task. When he had an unpleasant thing to do he never allowed temptation to swerve him.

Hugh Noland had enumerated these things, and many more, while they had worked together that afternoon, and John Hunter accepted the enumeration, not because it was fundamentally true, but because it was the estimate of a cultured and well-educated man.

"All that's necessary is for you to look after that medicine. Noland 'll come out all right with you to nurse him. I wouldn't mind being sick myself, Hunter, with her to hold the spoon," he said, trying to put a merry face on the matter. "Did it ever occur to you that you were a lucky dog to come into this country and run off with the nicest girl in it the first year you were here?"

Hugh Noland watched the old doctor with a twinkle in his eye. "You aren't going to give us men all a knock, are you?" he said amusedly. "I'm not saying anybody's bad," Doctor Morgan said, following out his own reasonings. "The trouble 's in men owning everything.

The New Albany society was large and active and gave suffrage much prominence in southern Indiana. Mrs. Noland reported 5,000 letters sent out in 1911. On June 28, 29, 1912, Logansport again entertained the State convention. Mrs. Noland acted as publicity chairman.

Jane Pond, Montpelier, Judge Samuel Artman, Lebanon. The association affiliated with the National body and always remained an auxiliary. Mrs. Davis left the State during this year and there seems to be no record of anything done by this board. In April, 1908, Mrs. Upton wrote to Mrs. Noland begging her to call a convention.

John poured it all out while he was at it, with a relief in having it over. There was a pause. When Hugh Noland again spoke it was with a distinct note of firmness and almost of authority. "The plain understanding in our partnership the one I laid the most stress upon to start with was that there should be no debts. I'm willing that you should be free to select a team; it isn't that.

"It cannot be," she said aloud. "Mamma, if you don't come we won't have time to go for the mail," Jack called. The pleasant afternoon had waned; Elizabeth Hunter gazed about her in astonishment; it was indeed late. She stooped and passed her hand over the name cut in the marble slab. "Hugh Noland, aged twenty-nine."

I've watched 'er a gittin' hold of 'erself gradual-like, an' I knew there'd be an end of his bossin' some day. Gosh! I'm glad she got th' money! Noland was some fond of her." Jake stole a sidelong glance at Luther as he said it and waited to see if he would elicit an answer. When Luther did not reply, he added: "I'm dog'on glad I've been here.