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The alignments by which transits are produced, of the earth, Venus, and the sun, close to the place of intersection of the two planetary orbits, now occur, the first a little in front of, the second, after eight years less two and a half days, a little behind the node.

After the break, and for the remainder of the lesson, her voice was husky. Her teacher advised her to seek expert advice. Previously, the voice had been clear, though she was a novice in singing. After remaining away from her lessons for two weeks or more and finding that recovery was not rapid, she came to me. The node could be plainly seen on the left cord.

"The further development, however, goes on ceaselessly in the leaf, from node to node; its midrib is elongated, and more or less additional ribs stretch out from this towards the sides. The leaves now appear notched, deeply indented, or composed of several small leaves, in which last case they seem to form complete little branches.

"Aha! Le Capitaine Dooncaine," he cried; "and m'sieu hees sone. I salute you both." "Salute me?" cried my father angrily. "After this night's work?" "This night's work, mon capitaine?" he said lightly. "Vy node. I am prisonaire; so is my sheep, and my brave boys. But it ees ze fortune of var." "Yes; the fortune of war," said my father bitterly. "I do node gomplaine myself.

Where a ridge suddenly changes its direction, a crater of some prominence generally marks the point, often forming a node, or crossing-place of other ridges, which thus appear to radiate from it as a centre. Sometimes they intrude within the smaller ring-mountains, passing through gaps in their walls as, for example, in the cases of Madler, Lassell, &c.

I cocainized the cord, and immediately applied pure alum in solution to the node itself, but to no purpose. This treatment was continued for two weeks, without any perceptible change for the better. Then I ordered the patient to remain quietly in a closed room; she was to see no one, she was not to talk at all, she was not to laugh.

Nature's cure for this state of things is by absorption of the fluid contents and a consequent diminution in the size of the node until finally a normal condition of the cord is restored and the voice returns in all its fullness. In the formation of the node it is worth remarking that the coughing node may appear at any point on the cords. It shows first at one point and then at another.

Evanescent periostitis is met with in acquired syphilis during the period of the early skin eruptions. The patient complains, especially at night, of pains over the frontal bone, ribs, sternum, tibiæ, or ulnæ. Localised tenderness is elicited on pressure, and there is slight swelling, which, however, rarely amounts to what may be described as a periosteal node.

"I felt sure of it; but I believed you to have had a hand in it, Captain Gualtiere." "A hand in him, sair. Ze Capitaine Ugglee-stone ask me to join him, it there is months ago, sair; but I am a smugglaire, and a shentilhomme, node a pirate." "Captain Gualtiere," said my father, "you once saved my boy's life, and I have insulted you a prisoner. Sir, I beg your pardon."

By this we recognize the importance of the place of contact, or striking-place of the hammer against the string; and the necessity, in order to obtain good fundamental tone, which shall carry, of the note being started from a node.