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The Khassias of India make cromlechs of large, flat unhewn stones, some six to seven feet high, and the Angami-Nagas of the extreme north of British India set up extensive alignments of menhirs, similar to those of France. Inscriptions in the old Irish cipher writing, known as ogham, prove that megalithic monuments were erected in Ireland after the time of St.

The company executes the HALT, RESTS, FACINGS, STEPS and MARCHINGS, MANUAL OF ARMS, LOADINGS and FIRINGS, TAKES INTERVALS and DISTANCES and ASSEMBLES, INCREASES and DIMINISHES INTERVALS, resumes ATTENTION, OBLIQUES, resumes the direct march, preserves alignments, KNEELS, LIES DOWN, RISES, STACKS, and TAKES ARMS, as explained in the Schools of the Soldier and the Squad, substituting in the commands COMPANY for SQUAD.

When the war is ended and the necessary territorial alignments made, it seems to me, the best guaranty of peace could be brought by every nation in Europe guaranteeing the territorial integrity of every other nation . By confining the manufacture of arms to the governments themselves and by permitting representatives of all nations to inspect, at any time, the works .

We see now with almost tragic clearness that, beneath the surface of the whole interrelated order of that tranquil afternoon of the Victorian epoch, there were forces in action working toward such a challenge of the accepted and inherited as cultures and civilizations are asked to meet only in the great crises of history and bound to issue, as they have issued in far-flung battle lines, in the overthrow of ancient orders and new alignments along every front of human interest.

At each alignment the captain places himself in prolongation of the line, 2 paces from and facing the flank toward which the dress is made, verifies the alignment, and commands: FRONT. Platoon lenders take a like position when requited to verify alignments. Being in line, to tune the company: 1. Company, 4. HALT; or, 3. Forward, 4.

To insure uniformity of interval between files when falling in, and in alignments, each man places the palm of the left hand upon the hip, fingers pointing downward. In the first case the hand is dropped by the side when the next man on the left has his interval; in the second case, at the command front.

Thus far these lonely rings of horrent stones and the alignments between them have concealed their story from modern man, and only in presence of the ancient pound, the foundations of a dwelling, the monolith that marked a stone-man's sepulchre, the robbed cairn and naked kistvaen, may we speak with greater certainty and, through the glimmering dawn of history and the records of Britain's earliest foes, burrow back to aboriginal man on Dartmoor.

It must be considered in its causes, its alignments, the difficulties of each party, the efforts at solution, and the principles and theories that are being worked out for the settlement of the problem. 193. =Conflict Between Industrial Groups.= The industrial problem is not entirely an economic problem, but it is such primarily.

A recognition of what an incubus it is should make us hospitable to all those devices which aim at making politics responsive by disturbing the alignments of habit. The initiative and referendum will help: they are a method of voting on definite issues instead of electing an administration in bulk.

An examination of the megalithic monuments still standing enables us to judge of the difficulties with which their builders had to contend, bearing in mind the primitive nature of their tools. We have already given the dimensions of the stones forming the alignments at Carnac.